UPDATED: Why you shouldn’t design your own website

UPDATED: Why you shouldn’t design your own website

Our experts can think of plenty of DIY projects that we have done, but that does not mean we have mastered those skills. A DIY website is kind of like a failed Pinterest cake. It started off great, was a bit questionable in the middle, and was thrown away at the end of the entire process. 

You spent hours working on this failed DIY cake only to throw it away. Now there are times that you will find yourself with one gem, but out of how many other thrown away cakes? 

Oftentimes, the next words out of our mouths are, “I should have just hired a professional.” We all have to learn the hard way, but in the business world, it is best to not go down this route. 

These are the reasons why you shouldn’t DIY your website and call an expert instead! 

Myth: I’ll save money by designing a website on my own

That is the initial thought process behind every DIY website, and as an Omaha design agency, we strongly suggest against this. 

A number of these websites that come to us after their DIY project are built on common CMS’ out there that give the false hope that building a website is as easy as one, two, three, but in the end, it costs more money to build your own website. 

The problem is that many clients find a template and want to customize their templates, which can be done, but it isn’t something that anyone can do. A WordPress website for example can be customized, but the amount of time it takes to do said customization is not worth it. 

While a DIY website is cheaper in the beginning, once the lifespan of the template and your patience dwindles, a company will need to call an expert in for help in the end. Make a one time investment for the longevity of your company. 

Myth: It cannot be that hard

Ah, the famous last words! This is difficult because there are so many services like Wordpress, Wix and Squarespace that can be relatively easy to work with. However, there are tools within them that are not.

When used incorrectly, they essentially can break your website in a multitude of ways and require a skilled professional to repair. From plugins and old templates that can error out the website, it is really hard. Plus, have you ever tried uploading content on the backend of a website? This alone is difficult enough sometimes, and if something does not work properly, you either risk the website going down or something else happening that you cannot fix. 

A software developer and designer has years of experience designing and developing websites, and even then, they can find themselves struggling with different issues! 

Myth: I can customize it how I want

This is the hardest myth to explain because, “Why can’t we just change that?” This is because when a company uses a template-based website service, you do have some flexibility in design and functionality, however, those features are just as available to millions of others. 

Hiring a Omaha design agency to design and be creative specifically for your company presents the opportunity to have a truly authentic end result.

Hire us! 

These are a couple of reasons why you shouldn’t DIY your website! A design and development project could seem simple on surface level; however, for your website to make an impact on search engines, customers and potential leads, using a professional like Monstrous Media Group is a safe and excellent investment. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

