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Common Mistakes That You Should Avoid As a Professional Content Writer
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Common Mistakes That You Should Avoid As a Professional Content Writer

Content writers wield a lot of power in the world of content marketing and digital marketing because without the magic of words, your marketing efforts would be meaningless. Blogging, writing product descriptions, writing posts on social media or creating articles are the handiwork of content writers and all these efforts along with search engine optimization play a massive role in improving the visibility of a brand or a website and boost conversion.

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How to Write Killer Introductions for Your Blog Posts
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How to Write Killer Introductions for Your Blog Posts

Journalists believe that a headline (or heading in case of a blog post!) not only tells a story but it sells as well. According to a post written by Neil Patel, you would believe the statement is partially right. He says that in a survey carried out by the famous content marketer Copyblogger, 8 out of 10 people got hooked by reading the title.

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5 Tips That Will Help You to Reduce the Loading Time of Your Blog
  • SEO and Search Marketing

5 Tips That Will Help You to Reduce the Loading Time of Your Blog

If you are an SEO expert, you probably already know the significance of reducing the loading time of a blog. Grapevine suggests and many experts have endorsed it themselves that loading time is one of the ranking factors that is used by Google.

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How Blogging Regularly Can Improve Your SEO Rankings
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How Blogging Regularly Can Improve Your SEO Rankings

Google keeps track of every change occurring on the internet. When you blog periodically, Google finds your website to have ‘fresh content’, giving you an advantage over the competition. There are also other ways how this can help.

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Why Should Content Curation be an Important Part of your Content Strategy?
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Why Should Content Curation be an Important Part of your Content Strategy?

Content curation is slowly becoming an important tool for content marketers. Many writers suffer from writer’s block sometimes. So, consistently creating fresh, original content that will be liked by your readers is not easy. Even if you are not suffering from writer’s block, you may find out that your target audience is not interested in the kind of content you are serving them.

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Best Methods of Repurposing your Old Content
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  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Best Methods of Repurposing your Old Content

Creating meaningful, interesting, and popular content is not easy. However, when you create content which is well loved and liked by your target group, you should find ways to repurpose this content in different ways that help to prolong the longevity of this content. Brilliant content can be modified in a number of ways.

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Why Should You Focus More On Creation Of Adaptive Content?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Why Should You Focus More On Creation Of Adaptive Content?

The one-size-fits-all has been invalidated by content marketers. The last decade was all about creation of content-just content. You didn’t need knowledge about SEO or writing long, information-rich content. The search engines also didn’t have a proper framework to decide the ranking system. But, now people are no longer happy with generic content. They want personalized content which solves their problems.

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Why is Data an Important Part of Your Content Strategy?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Why is Data an Important Part of Your Content Strategy?

According to KnowledgeTree, content marketing is a $44 billion industry globally and 83% of B2B organizations have adopted it as a marketing strategy to drive sales. In such a competitive environment, you cannot base your decisions just on your gut feeling or what you think may work.

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How Can You Get More Comments On Your Blog?
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How Can You Get More Comments On Your Blog?

When you manage to attract more comments to your blog posts, it is one of the metrics which gives you an insight into reader engagement. Very often, even the most informative, well-researched and SEO rich content fails to attract the kind of reader involvement you had hoped for.

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