Twitter strategy for businesses

Twitter strategy for businesses

Twitter currently has at least 76.9 million users in the United States. People use the app to share their thoughts, pictures and videos, as well as connect with their favorite brands. However, the average Twitter user follows just five brands. 

There are a few reasons that Twitter users follow brands on the platform. They are usually looking for entertainment, the latest updates and customer service. So if your company is not on Twitter, you could be missing out on the chance to build long-lasting relationships with your customers. 

Whether your brand is already on Twitter or if you are looking to start an account, here are some tips from our social strategy and management team on how to build a successful Twitter strategy.

Twitter overview 

Twitter is a social media platform that allows people to share their thoughts with a wide audience. What makes Twitter different from other major social media platforms is that it allows only a certain amount of characters per post and users cannot edit their tweets after they’ve been sent.

In the early days of the platform, Twitter only allowed 140 characters per tweet. Since then, it has doubled the character count to 280 characters. As for the edit button, Twitter recently announced that an edit function is being developed but it will only be made available to Twitter Blue subscribers only. 

Twitter’s audience 

Now that you know what Twitter is, it is time to learn who uses Twitter. Learning who uses Twitter will help you decide if your brand should use the platform or not. Twitter’s largest age group (42% of its users) consists of people between 18 and 29 years old. 61.6% of users are male while 38.4% are female. If you want to get more specific, one-third of Twitter users are college-educated individuals who make more than $75K annually. 

Twitter strategy for business

Make your Twitter profile stand out

Like any social media platform, you want to make sure your Twitter profile stands out. To do that, you will want to create a Twitter banner that captures what your business is all about. Write a Twitter bio that showcases what you do and what next step your audience should take. Use your logo as a profile image and creative banner that shows exactly what you do. 

Give your followers value 

When writing content for your Twitter account, you want to provide value to your followers. Your brand's tweets should entertain,educate or provide an idea to your audience. If your tweets do not do these three things, people are not likely to interact with your account. You can always hire a social strategy and management company, like Monstrous Media Group, to create your social content for you.

Use hashtags

If you want people to see your tweets, you should also be using hashtags. These symbols help Twitter optimize your content and get your tweets in front of your target audience. You want to use hashtags that are relevant to your brand. However, be careful not to overuse hashtags. Twitter recommends using no more than two hashtags per post

Engage with your followers

The whole purpose of Twitter is to connect with your audience and start conversations. As a brand, you want to be starting conversations with your followers and other accounts you follow. You can engage by responding to and retweeting replies, conducting polls and interacting with other accounts. 

Measure and analyze your results

An important step you should not skip is measuring your results. You want to keep track of your analytics and analyze your results. This will help you make informed decisions about which posts are working best for your brand. Some Twitter analytics you should measure include:

Link click throughs

Hashtag performance



Top tweets

Let a social strategy and management company improve your company’s social media!

At Monstrous Media Group, we can help manage all of your social media accounts and improve your social media strategies to fit your KPIs. Our team of experts is here to help grow your social media presence! Contact us to learn more about our service.

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