
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Happy Independence Day 2021
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  • The OMG Collective

Happy Independence Day 2021

July 4, also known as Independence Day, is about more than just beer and hot dogs. It’s a national celebration of America’s breakaway from Britain as we declared that a new nation had been formed. Of course, we had a fight on our hands, but the original thirteen colonies became a new nation conceived in freedom and dedicated to the principle that all men are created equal.

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Omaha Media Group holiday hours
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Omaha Media Group holiday hours

From our family to yours, we wish you a safe, healthy and blessed holiday season and new year. Once Dec. 31 at 11:59 hits, let's all yell “jumanji” and get the heck out of 2020 for good!

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Preparing for the Google Page Experience update
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Preparing for the Google Page Experience update

Google released that one of its largest updates for the new year will begin in May 2021. This does not mean the website won’t start to feel its effects in April, but our suggestion is to not wait until May. This Google algorithm update 2021 will affect websites in over seven ways, and this is how to get prepared for it.

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SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry
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SEO Notes: What is happening in the SEO industry

There is a common phrase in our industry that goes kind of like, "SEO is always changing." And as one of our clients has said before, "there is always a new update, algorithm or something else." That is right because Google is ALWAYs updating at least once a day. Here are the top trends and changes happening in our industry!

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Case Study: The process of ranking for national keywords
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Case Study: The process of ranking for national keywords

A case study of how Monstrous Media Group has helped this client rank for national keywords in six months with our Omaha SEO agency methods and a bit of trust from our client!

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