
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Expected 2022 trends in the industry
  • Mobile Applications
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Expected 2022 trends in the industry

From social and Meta commerce to app development for foldable devices, here are the top trends for our industry in 2022.

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When should I update my website?
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

When should I update my website?

If your website has hit the three-year mark, it is time for an update! Here are three signs it is time.

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Four website design tips to improve your commercial website
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Four website design tips to improve your commercial website

In the digital world, it is all about a seamless experience, but with an outdated website, this seamless experience is almost impossible to achieve. Here are four website design tips to improve your commercial website design for the long run!

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UPDATED: Signs you need a website update
  • Business
  • Client Resources
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

UPDATED: Signs you need a website update

75 percent of potential customers are basing their opinion of your company on your website alone! What is your first impression to those customers? Good, bad or meh? All of this matters and here are three signs internally that you need a new website!

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Four reasons a company should stop using WordPress
  • Business
  • Client Resources
  • The OMG Collective
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Four reasons a company should stop using WordPress

As one of the leading website development companies in Omaha, Neb., we do understand that WordPress is a cheaper option for companies; however, this does not mean that it is the "most affordable" option in the long run. Here are four reasons why our company isn't a fan of WordPress!

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ExpressionEngine Acquired by EEHarbor
  • Business
  • News & Events
  • Website Development

ExpressionEngine Acquired by EEHarbor

ExpressionEngine has been acquired by EEHarbor. What does this mean for the future? New releases, updates, management and the same 'ole same Monstrous Media Group.

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