Does SSL prevent hacking?

Does SSL prevent hacking?

“An SSL certificate is a digital certificate that authenticates the identity of your website and encrypts information sent to the server using SSL technology.”-

In other words, any time a user visits a website that includes a form requesting information (banking, personal, etc.), it is susceptible to hackers once the form has been submitted. When a website has an SSL certificate, your web browser builds a secure, safe connection to prevent hackers from seeing the information that’s being submitted.

An SSL certificate provides protection between your consumers and hackers. So, does an SSL prevent hacking? Yes, and while it is unlikely you would be hacked, it is always something to remember. 

You can check your website in two simple ways. One, look at your website URL. If your domain has https:// then your website is secure. If you see next to the HTTPS it says “not secure” that means your SSL is expired or there isn’t one implemented. 

To get extensive details on your SSL certificate, enter your website into this SSL checking website. Click here to check your SSL certificate.

How do I get an SSL certificate for my website?

Obtaining the right SSL certificate for your website is important. Depending on the kind of website you own, there are different procedures one must go through.

For most unregulated websites, a standard SSL certificate covers the content on your website. These certificates can be sought out for free by the domain provider your company uses. By contacting your domain provider, they’ll be able to steer you in the right direction.

However, regulated industries like the medical, financial, and government fields, will require specific SSL certificates to abide by the requirements your industry specifies you to have.

Here are five of the most common SSL certificates that companies can implement to make sure their website is secure moving forward. 

The risk of not having a secure website via SSL certificate simply isn’t worth it. Ensure the trust of your site visitors and develop trust with Google and you can be rewarded with safe traffic and better search engine rankings. 

Is SEO affected by SSL certificates?

SSL certificate for SEO

Back in 2014, Google research showed that consumers were starting to become concerned about their privacy and security on its search engines. This led to Google releasing the HTTPS as a signal ranking. At that time, only 1.9 percent of websites implemented HTTPS/ SSL certificates. 

On February 8th of 2018, Google announced they would be formally labeling websites without SSL certificates as unsecured. By now we all know Google’s ranking factors are intensely focused on  the trustworthiness of sites and their content.

Fast-forward to present day, consumers are still concerned about their privacy and security on search engines. This has led to a rise in alternative search engines, and with security in mind, this means that companies need to implement an SSL to show their site is secure. 

If Google flags a website as insecure, the user is warned the site lacks the security it’s requested to have.

Moreover, Google publicly states that websites with a secure website with an SSL certificate will have an advantage over other websites that do not. As of 2021, Google has released their Core Web Vitals update. 

While HTTPS was once part of the major rankings, it has been modified to not be included into the update; however, this doesn’t mean it isn’t important to the overall SEO strategy. 

For more information on a SSL certificate for SEO, website design and development projects, or digital marketing strategies, contact us today! 

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