Today our local community celebrates Omaha Gives! This 24-hour donation drive is powered by the Omaha Community Foundation aimed at growing philanthropy in Douglas, Sarpy and Pottawattamie counties!

While Omaha Gives! is open year-round to collect donations for these deserving organizations, today's celebration is intended to inspire the community to contribute as much as they can to support them. There’s even a leaderboard on display all day to add some friendly competition to the mix.

In 2018 the day-long Omaha Gives! 24-hour drive raised over 7.4 million dollars for the nonprofits in our hometown! We don’t know about you guys, but we think this speaks volumes of the city of Omaha and we’re proud to be a part of it!

Why MMG loves Omaha Gives!?

Volunteering and supporting our community is something our team here at Monstrous Media Group is passionate about! We believe, without a doubt, that you can only get out what you put in to a community.

Bryant McGill says, “Giving is the master key to success, in all applications of human life.”

So true. Words to live by, indeed.

Moreover, we’re thrilled to work with some of these incredible nonprofits day in and day out. Using our skills to enhance the work they do brings us pure joy!

If you’re still exploring to see what nonprofits you should donate to this year during  Omaha Gives! we have a few for you to explore!

Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals’ Omaha Campus

Madonna Rehabilitation specializes in the rehabilitation for those suffering from brain trauma, spinal cord injuries, pulmonary conditions, severe stroke and other neurological conditions. Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital serves the nation’s top one percent of medically complex cases.

Our team has been working with Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals for several years now, and we can tell you first hand, this place is made of miracles. The technology, staff and success stories that come out of their care is unmatchable!

Give to Madonna Rehabilitation Hospitals’ Omaha Campus here!

Papillion-La Vista School Foundation

The Papillion-La Vista School Foundation works with the staff, parents and alumni of the community to provide opportunities of educational excellence to students in need in the community.

The Papillion-La Vista School Foundation provides financial and supportive resources to enhance the overall experience of the children within its community.

Monstrous Media Group is a proud sponsor of this foundation!

Give to the Papillion La-Vista School Foundation here!


ICAN is a leadership development organization built to inspire leaders and transform the organizations they work in! Their programs drive employee satisfaction and business success!

Monstrous Media Group has a longtime relationship with ICAN and can attest to their incredible programs! Not only do they inspire bold thinking and self-awareness, they are transforming the future of business!

Give to ICAN here!

Smart Girl Society

Smart Girl Society is the only organization of its kind in our Midwestern region offering services to students, parents and educators on digital safety. With empowering strategies and critical thinking, Smart Girl Society builds meaningful conversations on digital trends children face.

Smart Girl Society is bringing light to the digital world the children of today's age are growing up with, the challenges they face and how to combat it! As longtime advocates for digital safety, Smart Girl Society is an important investment for anyone looking to give back to the community!

Give to Smart Girl Society here!

What are some of the nonprofit organizations you’re giving to for the 2019 Omaha Gives! 24-hour giving day? Who should we look into this year?

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

