
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Making a holiday marketing strategy
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Making a holiday marketing strategy

While the major holiday season is still three months away, in our eyes, you can never plan soon enough for holiday marketing.

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The niche of social media marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The niche of social media marketing

Social media is not the future. It’s here. If you haven’t already, now is the time for marketers to start capitalizing on it. Marking and advertising will only continually go hand-in-hand with this medium for the foreseeable future.

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Social media sites that almost lasted forever
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Social media sites that almost lasted forever

Social media is ever-evolving. New platforms are developed almost daily. As time passes, we see a multitude of them come and go. Because of this, it’s important to have a little insight in the trends.

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Digital Marketing 101: What is social listening?
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing 101: What is social listening?

Social media marketing is the trendiest way to spread the word about your business. However, you are missing a lot if you use it just to broadcast your business.

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The advantages of hiring a digital marketer
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The advantages of hiring a digital marketer

When you talk about a digital marketing platform, you will come across these  terms: template and custom-made. The template is the one you experiment with while custom-made is the one where hiring a digital marketing makes it extraordinary.

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The difference between conversions and leads
  • Business
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

The difference between conversions and leads

Do you know the difference between leads and conversions? Did we hear a, no? That’s okay. Most new digital marketers often mix up the terms. In fact, many make the mistake of even using them interchangeably.

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Marketing 101: Understanding the basics of branding
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Marketing 101: Understanding the basics of branding

Normally when we say ‘brand,’ we are usually referring to the logo or a company’s name. Yet, we know this is not the only furniture retail company in the world. There are a gazillion more brands in existence without the same spotlight and level of brand awareness.

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Three mistakes to avoid when hiring a digital marketing agency
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Three mistakes to avoid when hiring a digital marketing agency

We know you are desperate for a digital boost and need an agency as soon as possible. Yet, we can assure you it will be a critical misstep should you choose one based on appearances lacking a solid digital marketing strategy.

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Website Pet Peeves
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Website Pet Peeves

At Monstrous Media Group, we love to problem solve. There is nothing more satisfying than identifying a weakness, assessing the issue and solving it.

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