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Boost Your SEO on Pinterest With 11 Easy Tips
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Boost Your SEO on Pinterest With 11 Easy Tips

Over the last few years, Pinterest has evolved into a massive visual search engine. With a growing 100 million users, Pinterest just might be one of the most underestimated social media platform when it comes to driving traffic to your site.

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The Difference in Mobile-Responsive and Mobile- Adaptive Sites
  • Mobile Applications
  • The OMG Collective
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

The Difference in Mobile-Responsive and Mobile- Adaptive Sites

While it’s fairly clear what formulates a mobile-friendly site, there is still some confusion around what makes a site mobile-friendly as opposed to mobile-responsive or mobile-adaptive.

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Social Media KPIs
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The Vast Universe

Social Media KPIs

As a social media marketer, I am often asked, “but how are you going to measure this?” When this happens, I turn to KPIs, or key performance indicators.

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Facebook…the Bot King?
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The Vast Universe

Facebook…the Bot King?

Tuesday, 2,000 developers attended the F8 software conference in San Francisco where Mark Zuckerberg announced his newest quest for the social networking site, chatbots.

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How To: Creating Facebook Canvas ads
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How To: Creating Facebook Canvas ads

In late February, Facebook announced the release of Canvas; a full-screen ad experience built for bringing brands and products to life on a mobile device. Both the initial ad and the information that displays afterwards is important to appeal to the audience’s eye.

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The Importance of Blog Typography
  • Graphic Design
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

The Importance of Blog Typography

Readability of blog text can be measured in both content (complexity) and it’s typography. Typography is the art and technique of arranging a text to be legible and appealing. Typography involves font selection, size, line length and spacing, and letter-spacing.

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Defining your Niche Market
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Website Development

Defining your Niche Market

Ecommerce success is essentially defined by your niche market. Knowing what separates you, your brand, and your product from your competition is the kickstarter to your growing business. Whether you’re trying to grow your online business or you’re still rooting around for an idea that’s perfect, defining that niche market is essential for growing a customer base.

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Facebooking vs. Blogging for Business
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

Facebooking vs. Blogging for Business

Which is better...Facebooking for business or blogging for business?

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Happy Independence Day 2016
  • News & Events
  • The OMG Collective

Happy Independence Day 2016

Independence Day 2016 - Between parades, concerts, picnics and fireworks, the Fourth of July (Independence Day) holiday is rich with joy and celebration.

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