
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

How Accelerated Mobile Pages Affect SEO
  • Mobile Applications

How Accelerated Mobile Pages Affect SEO

Won’t you prefer web pages that load 6 times faster than usual? With the world becoming dynamic and impatient, users don’t want to wait for more than a couple of seconds for a page to load.

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Impact of Machine Learning on SEO
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Impact of Machine Learning on SEO

Google uses RankBrain, a machine learning tool that contributes to search engine results. It gives them the ability to understand search results that it hasn’t dealt with yet. There is an estimate that 15% of the search results every day are totally new. Using machine learning, Google is able to serve better content to its users. As the use of machine learning increases, let's take a look at how it will impact Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

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2017 Online Marketing Trends

2017 Online Marketing Trends

The digital marketing industry never rests. Marketing is dominated by those who have the ability to think and plan ahead, foresee changes, and jump on the latest trends before the competition to get the upper hand.

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5 SEO Tips for Boosting E-Commerce

5 SEO Tips for Boosting E-Commerce

E-commerce is here to stay, and grow. By the end of 2020, the sales figures through e-commerce are expected to reach 600+ million in the United States. Currently, over 300 million worth of sale is taking place via e-commerce. The online selling and buying concept is growing by leaps and bounds as evident with the above statistics. Close to 40% of Americans buy online products at least once a month. About 25% does online purchase once or twice in a week.

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Why Invest in SEO?

Why Invest in SEO?

Looking for a hotel nearby or perhaps the best online shopping site? No problem, just Google it on your smartphone. Google and other search engines are now an integral part of everyone’s lifestyles. Given the extent of the search engine’s presence in every walk of life, it is not surprising that SEO is a critical business investment. Here are some of the benefits to invest in SEO if you want your business to succeed.

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The Relationship Between Ad Blocking and Content Visibility: What Does it Signify?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

The Relationship Between Ad Blocking and Content Visibility: What Does it Signify?

No wonder why ad blocking created such a ruckus among online marketers in 2016. Viewed from Gartner's 2016 Hype Cycle for Digital Marketing and Advertising, ad blocking is a positive catalyst to bring about a change in the type of campaigns run online. But ad blocking signifies a deeper issue in reality- a strained relationship between users and publishers where a lack of value and communication has created audience dissatisfaction.

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Press Release - OMG Austin Grand Opening
  • News & Events

Press Release - OMG Austin Grand Opening

Monstrous Media Group LLC, an Omaha-based creative management firm, is happy to announce the opening of a branch office in Austin, Texas. MMG has selected Austin to be closer to clients in the South and have greater access to accounts in Central and South America.

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Need Help To Improve Your Content? Consider Measuring Facebook Reactions
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Need Help To Improve Your Content? Consider Measuring Facebook Reactions

Gone are the days when you post something on your Facebook page and you plunge in to see the number of likes the post has garnered. Today Facebook reactions are taking social marketers by storm who are striving to extract as many user insights as possible. The best part of going social is the ability to interact and measure performance. And with Facebook reactions, your social performance has become measurable in a new way. So you can now quench your thirst for more detailed data-driven insights from emotions expressed by love, wow, sad, angry, and laughing icons on Facebook.

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The 2017 Hacks For Driving Effective PPC Text Ads

The 2017 Hacks For Driving Effective PPC Text Ads

As the world is transitioning towards a highly digitized landscape, marketers are increasingly facing the challenge of grabbing eyeballs for their ads in a highly competitive online scenario. In case of search ads, marketers are already complaining about low CTRs and conversation rates, the quantities that show the effective of search ads. And as we move into another year, times are likely to become even more competitive for marketers.

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