2017 Online Marketing Trends

2017 Online Marketing Trends


The digital marketing industry never rests. Marketing is dominated by those who have the ability to think and plan ahead, foresee changes, and jump on the latest trends before the competition to get the upper hand. One of the ways to shine in this field is to reflect on the lessons learned from 2016 and gain valuable knowledge about the market. The basics of marketing might remain the same, but consumption patterns, target audience, customer acquisition tactics, marketing strategies, and growth channels develop continuously. Here are a few online marketing trends to watch out for in 2017 which will help you stay ahead in the game. 

Big data

Large amounts of data about customers are collected every year. The variety, volume, and velocity of data are increasing. Businesses want to exploit the gathered data and improve sales using personalized websites, advertisements, and emails with the help of predictive analytics. The revenue for big data is estimated to hit $187 billion in 2019.

Mobile marketing

The world is going mobile. Google is giving higher search rankings to websites that are highly optimized for mobile use. Companies are focusing on making the websites more responsive on the smartphone. Mobiles are becoming smarter, faster, and more ingrained in the lives of humans, marketers will focus more on them. Mobiles have become a valued shopping partner as customers utilize them to check facts and buy products online. Companies will target smartphone users as the potential to turn them into customers is higher.   

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence has the possibility of changing the marketing game forever. AI is a powerful tool which will help marketers automate email marketing, campaigns, contextual marketing, and much more. As the world is connected to the Internet, AI can learn patterns of users online and push ads to them based on their interests and the current scenario they are in. It can make interactions between customers more personal and will be able to segment the population according to their needs.

Live streaming videos

The launch of live streaming videos proved successful as customers all over the world started using it. Live streaming increases the customer base as people can see what other people are doing at the same time. Marketers will use this to promote products and provide sponsorship to celebrities to use their products on livestream. Ads could also be placed efficiently in these videos, increasing the reach of marketing

Niche marketing

Marketing along traditional and popular channels is reaching its peak as the number of available consumers is remaining constant. This is happening in social media marketing spaces. There are loads of niche communities that have a smaller consumer base but the community is highly active. As space is less crowded, marketers will focus on niche communities as the potential turnover is high. The cost of marketing to these communities is lower and it will be easier to engage the customers.

Every marketer wants a piece of the pie. The available space for marketing is getting crowded more than ever. Marketers will go out of their way to reach out to more consumers as it will help them stand out and increase the customer base considerably. With the use of automation increasing, marketing strategists will now focus on how to capture the minds of new customers.

What are some marketing trends that your business is utilizing this year?  Have you seen any growth in Quarter 1?  What are some things you'd like help with in Quarter 2?  {contact-form}

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