
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

2019 Website Color Palettes
  • Website Design

2019 Website Color Palettes

“A color palette is essentially what sets the mood for a company. You want your color scheme to appropriately reflect how you want your target audience to feel when looking at your site. Imagine the site is a children's toy company represented by dark, heavy colors - not the most welcoming! Your colors represent the company and its overall objective.” - Mary, Monstrous Media Group Graphic Designer

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Setting Business Goals for 2019
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Setting Business Goals for 2019

As we’ve rounded the corner into 2019, we’re anxious to hear what goals you’ve set for yourself as a small business owner! As digital marketing experts in Omaha, we thrive when you succeed!

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How do YouTubers make money?
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How do YouTubers make money?

YouTube has introduced a whole new level of influencer marketing. Today, we take a look inside how they make a living through content creation. Check it out!

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What is vertical search?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

What is vertical search?

Have you heard of vertical search? Optimizing your website for vertical can make or break how your website is found!

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Christmas Holiday Hours 2018
  • News & Events

Christmas Holiday Hours 2018

Please note that our management office, development and production teams (US and Europe) will be on Christmas vacation from 11:00 AM Friday, December 22nd through Wednesday, December 27th, 2017.

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Popular holiday gift shopping sites
  • The Vast Universe

Popular holiday gift shopping sites

The holiday season is upon us and everyone is frantically hunting for the perfect gift for their family and friends. Sure, it’s mid-December and we’re a little behind in our shopping, but there is still time! Fortunately for you, we've got some great gift ideas for you!

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Google Search and Humans
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Google Search and Humans

It’s often said that Google searches reveal the real truth about humans, otherwise hidden on social media. Stephens-Davidowitz explains the anonymity Google searches offer. Google doesn’t host a friends list or timeline revealing the searches one makes. The data is anonymous to those around you.

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How to pick an SEO company In Omaha
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How to pick an SEO company In Omaha

Hiring a qualified SEO agency is no joke. There’s nothing worse than investing in a service that doesn’t meet your expectations or give you the payoff you thought you’d receive. On this blog we tell you how to pick an SEO company in Omaha!

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How does micromarketing work?
  • Client Resources
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

How does micromarketing work?

Micromarketing is a strategy focused on a narrowed down, targeted group of people. When honing in on a specific group of people like this, your marketing investment goes towards an audience most likely interested in what you’re offering.

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