Setting Business Goals for 2019

Setting Business Goals for 2019

We can’t help but love the freshness of a New Year. Celebrating the success and lessons learned of the prior year all while setting new goals to be accountable for in the days to come.

As we’ve rounded the corner into 2019, we’re anxious to hear what goals you’ve set for yourself as a small business owner! As digital marketing experts in Omaha, we thrive when you succeed!

If we could offer any business takeaways for you in the months to come, they would be:

Focus on your website content.

Your website is almost always the first place a consumer visits before they decide they want to work with you or buy your products. The content (verbiage, images, videos) needs to be a direct representation of who you are as a business. Having content that is consistent with who you are as a business helps maintain customer expectations.

When creating your website content, ask yourself these questions:

Who is my audience?
How do I want my audience to portray my business?
Does the portrayal of my business reflect the real actions of my business?
Who is my competition?
What is my mission?

What technical basics should you include on your website? Relevant SEO keywords, calls to action and backlinks.

Get your social media in check.

If we’ve learned anything in 2018, it’s that social media isn’t going anywhere. Despite data breaches and drama, the social media industry remains a flourishing one.

Moreover, businesses of all sizes are now allocating a portion of their yearly budget for marketing on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn as opposed to traditional mediums.

The good ol’ 80/20 Rule applies here! A business should spend 20% of their time creating content and 80% promoting it. No better way than through social media marketing.


That’s right. Blog.

Blogging is often portrayed as a place for personal thoughts or internet guru’s. However, that couldn’t be further from the truth! Blogging is great for every business that houses internet space!

First, and foremost, blogging is the easiest way for your website to host fresh content. Our friend, Google, loves fresh content. Not simply for the sake of fresh content, but because Google favors a relevant and current website.

Blogging is also a great way to keep your customers “in the loop” with industry and company news, trends, helpful information and the like.

2019 is going to be a great year. If you’re ready to up your business game online, implementing these three tasks to your business can make a world of a difference.

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

