
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Images and Social Media
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Images and Social Media

Fun fact: the entire concept of marketing began with the Industrial Revolution. The cost of products and building infrastructure made purchasing for consumers much easier. After World War II, business competition got stronger, thus creating the need to sell in a direct and authentic way. A la marketing!

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Digital Marketing 101: The Psychology Behind Social
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing 101: The Psychology Behind Social

In our Digital Marketing 101 series we unpack the bits and pieces of our industry we feel would be helpful to you, our clients. With an extensive amount of jargon and convoluted terminology, digital marketing can be a lot to take in! While digital marketing includes SERP, SEO, PPC, analytics and more, we feel it’s important to not only explain what things are, but why they are.

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Is your social media marketing strategy wrong? Pt. 1
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Is your social media marketing strategy wrong? Pt. 1

Slapping together a social media marketing strategy is super simple, right? What could be difficult about it? It’s just a matter of putting your products and services on Facebook, right? Unfortunately, no. There’s so much more to it than meets the eye!

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Does my website need a blog?
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Does my website need a blog?

It’s extremely common for our SEO agency to field the question, “Does my website need a blog?” If we can give a one-word simple answer, it will always be YES.

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Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Pt. 2
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Pt. 2

On Wednesday we touched on real estate and how a digital and social media marketing strategy can boost brand awareness, maintain your reputation, set you apart from others and place you directly in front of your audience. All ‘wins’ in our book!

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Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Pt. 1
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Digital and Social Media Marketing Strategy for Real Estate Pt. 1

With over two million active licensed real estate agents in the United States, it’s crucial to your business (and sales commissions) to stay relevant and stand out amongst the crowd. How does one accomplish that? Thorough digital and social media marketing strategy.

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The most overlooked digital marketing service
  • E-Mail Marketing

The most overlooked digital marketing service

Digital marketing services provide an online outlet for businesses to have their products and services promoted. Accompanying a website, digital marketing includes advertising, email marketing, online documents, SEO, social media and so much more.

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Skip the DIY Social Media Marketing Strategy
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Skip the DIY Social Media Marketing Strategy

Having a social media marketing strategy is an important part of modern-day promotion. Social platforms host incredible opportunities to reach a targeted audience immediately, and often in one fell swoop. Where traditional marketing tactics like print media, television and radio ads once created exceptional brand awareness, social media has quickly become a solid competitor.

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These three SEO mistakes might be hurting your business!
  • SEO and Search Marketing

These three SEO mistakes might be hurting your business!

For modern-day businesses across the world, including Omaha, SEO is flying high on the radar. SEO (search engine optimization) is the marketing practice implemented to boost the organic traffic to a website. Not only does it influence the amount of organic traffic a website receives, but it influences the quality of traffic as well.

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