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UPDATED - EECONF 2018 - Day 1 & Day 2 Recap
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  • The Vast Universe

UPDATED - EECONF 2018 - Day 1 & Day 2 Recap

October is good for a few things that we love to partake in fundraising galas and ExpressionEngine Conference, a.k.a. EECONF. This year's conference is in Nashville so fittingly we drew straws to select our MMG representatives, packed our bags and hopped on the plane and headed to spend time with our friends and family who swim in the ExpressionEngine ocean.

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Current Opening: Digital Marketing & SEO Intern
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  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

Current Opening: Digital Marketing & SEO Intern

Are you a college student or recent graduate in the Omaha, Nebraska area? We’re looking for a Digital Marketing and SEO Intern! If you have interest in SEO and PPC strategy, this position is for you! If you’ve got buzz for account management, enjoy collaborating with a team to grow a successful program, and can communicate with ease via animated gifs and should apply.

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Why IoT is Becoming Increasingly Popular in Consumer Products
  • The Vast Universe

Why IoT is Becoming Increasingly Popular in Consumer Products

IoT refers to the Internet of Things. This technology has a number of applications, and more are being discovered with advances in the tech. A big part of IoT is consumer IoT, or IoT tech used in consumer products. A few examples of consumer IoT are smart watches, smart passenger cars, and smart washing machines.

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Cloud Computing and Where the Tech Stands in 2018
  • The Vast Universe

Cloud Computing and Where the Tech Stands in 2018

Cloud computing as a technology has been around for a while now. Although there was some skepticism initially, many organizations and industries have slowly embraced this technology for its flexibility, financial viability, and customized solutions. What are the tops trends to watch out for in 2018 in cloud computing?

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All You Need to Know about AI-Enabled Personal Assistant Technolgy
  • The Vast Universe

All You Need to Know about AI-Enabled Personal Assistant Technolgy

You might have heard of artificial intelligence or AI, and thought, now that sounds so futuristic, like something from a science fiction movie, right? You would be surprised to know you might already be using AI technology in your everyday life without even realizing it.

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The Five Best Twitter Accounts to Follow
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The Vast Universe

The Five Best Twitter Accounts to Follow

Twitter is a great platform to share your views with the world. Or at least you are putting your views out there in the hope that someone will read your tweet and if you are lucky to retweet it. There are those all-powerful beings however who have tens of thousands of followers and get retweeted all over the place. They have done something right, and maybe by following them we could learn a lesson or two on how to take our own humble tweets to the next level.

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Partnering with the Salvation Army Angel Tree Toy Drive
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Partnering with the Salvation Army Angel Tree Toy Drive

It's #GivingTuesday and this year we’ve decided to team up with the Omaha Salvation Army and their annual Angel Tree Toy Drive!  The Angel Tree Toy Drive is a program that collects toys for children in need that may not receive much, if not anything, for Christmas.  Once the toys have been collected, they are sent to the Salvation Army’s “Toyland” where they are distributed to local Omaha families.

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Worrying About Your Own Alexa Ranking Is A Waste Of Time
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

Worrying About Your Own Alexa Ranking Is A Waste Of Time

Is the Alexa ranking of your own website worth worrying about? Or would you be better focusing your efforts elsewhere? In this article we'll explore how Alexa collects ranking data, why you shouldn’t worry about your ranking and why you should use an alternative tool for insights on your competitors.

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6 Ways Entrepreneurship Can Change You
  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

6 Ways Entrepreneurship Can Change You

Being an entrepreneur can affect your life in more ways than you can possibly imagine. It can turn your life around in the best way possible, irrespective of whether you fail or succeed.

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