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Major SEO Mistakes To Avoid During Your Website Redesign!
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The OMG Collective
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Major SEO Mistakes To Avoid During Your Website Redesign!

Redesigning your website is not just an exercise in aesthetics. Sure, the visual elements of your website will likely get the most attention, but remember a great website design also requires you consider and improve what is under the hood. A flashy exterior does not help much if the machine fails to function. If people cannot find your site and intuitively navigate through the pages it does not really matter how beautiful it looks. When it comes to website redesign, form and function need to be a package deal. Let’s discuss the major SEO mistakes to avoid during your next website redesign.

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Is Your Website Ready For Black Friday?
  • Mobile Applications
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  • The OMG Collective

Is Your Website Ready For Black Friday?

Does your website have what it takes to survive Black Friday? While the scale of opportunity presented by Black Friday is no joke, many businesses -- specifically ecommerce -- fail to adequately prepare their websites for this uptick in traffic. So with the shopping holiday quickly approaching, we've put together a few last-minute tips to ensure your website is ready to handle the influx of traffic and potential sales.

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Is SEO Dead?
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  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The OMG Collective

Is SEO Dead?

SEO is a widely discussed and sometime thought as a trivial part of having a website. So with all of the information, misinformation, and wrong information that exists is SEO even worth it? Is SEO Dead? SEO is absolutely not dead, here's why..

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Cheap Website? It may be costing you more than you realize…
  • Mobile Applications
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  • The OMG Collective
  • Website Design
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Cheap Website? It may be costing you more than you realize…

We have all heard the phrase "You get what you pay for," right? Building a website for very little may end up costing you more time and money later. Your website is crucial for the success of your business. It is there to help you get potential clients, retain your current clients and make you money around the clock, so why not consider the true return on investment and spend the money to make it great in the first place?

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The 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors
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The 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors

From year to year, the only thing you can count on in local search results is change. So here it is, the 2015 Local Search Ranking Factors that affect your local search rank.

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Facebooking vs. Blogging for Business
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  • The OMG Collective
  • The Vast Universe

Facebooking vs. Blogging for Business

Which is better...Facebooking for business or blogging for business?

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Protect Your Ranking: Clean Your Site’s Cruft
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  • The OMG Collective

Protect Your Ranking: Clean Your Site’s Cruft

We all have it. The cruft. The low-quality, or even duplicate-content pages on our sites that we just haven't had time to find and clean up. It may seem harmless, but that cruft might just be harming your entire site's ranking potential.

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The Guide to Ecommerce SEO
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  • The OMG Collective

The Guide to Ecommerce SEO

If you want to run a successful ecommerce site, you can’t ignore SEO. Organic search is a vital channel for delivering customers and growing your revenue. As the internet and ecommerce has gotten more competitive, being found on Google for your brand name isn’t enough.

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Google Panda 4.2 Is Here, Here’s What We Know
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google Panda 4.2 Is Here, Here’s What We Know

Yes, we have liftoff! Panda 4.2 has finally arrived, following Gary Illyes announcement last month that the refresh was coming. Google has confirmed that this refresh affects only 2-3% of search queries, which is lower than the previous refresh of 3-5% in September 2014 and the last true update in May 2014 which affected 7.5% of search queries. What does this mean for you? Here's what we know so far.

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6 Ways To Leverage Text Messaging Marketing
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • The Vast Universe

6 Ways To Leverage Text Messaging Marketing

Like any business, Business Network Marketing requires the ability to build and capture the attention of potential networking leads. How do you get in front of your network to pitch your product or service? How do you recruit moremlm abbreviation people and build your downline sales organization? How do you train and motivate the team you have built?

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