What influencers can teach companies about social media marketing

What influencers can teach companies about social media marketing

It is difficult to deny that influencers, whether macro or micro are good at social media, it is their full-time job! Everything about marketing is about creating relationships, loyal customers and fans and improving lead generation and sales. 

Social media, especially Instagram, allows for influencers to share their most glamorous and not so glamorous moments with their followers, and the consensus shows that consumers want real people behind any marketing strategy out there. 

64 percent of consumers expect a company and brand to connect with them on a personal level, and influencers have done just that with their followers. 

While some influencers are better than others when it comes to elevating their presence and advertising on social media platforms, there is a lot that brands and companies can learn from these influencers. 


Social media marketing and management creates an environment for companies to market their products and services, but for those who are new or in a competitive market, it is imperative that branding efforts are the first step of any strategy. 

It takes seven to 15 times for a potential consumer to start to trust your products and services. Not only does it take this many impressions, it takes content from real life audience members and customers to help create a stronger brand. 

As Tint by FileStack states, “64 percent of consumers will not only strongly consider online reviews, but they will actively seek them out before making a final purchase decision.” 

An influencer brands themselves to each company from the makeup that they use to the food they eat, and their followers trust their opinions, they create their own UGC which helps to strongly influence their followers to purchase their products, follow other brands and speed up their personal branding. 

Create trust

How does someone gain over three million followers in six months to even a couple of years? Hard social media marketing and content management, partnered with an understanding and strong trust between their followers. 

A company starting their branding needs to make sure that it is high quality content that consumers want to engage with. It isn’t enough to simply post to post, you need to identify what your target audience is along each part of the journey. 

What are they searching for from beginning to end?

How can you “one-up” your competition?

Fill in the gaps that consumers are missing on their marketing 

This is where brands should follow the 80/20 guideline on social media. The 80 percent should be informative, quality content that makes an impact or help to continue that trust between the followers and brand. The 20 percent should be the promotional posts that explain new promotions, services and products and other advertising.

This should be applied to all marketing strategies, and the percentages can flex between industries and content each week or month, but this is how to foster trust for the future.


Who is your company? Who makes up your company? Are you involved in the community? Are you a small to medium business that is pretending to be a Fortune 500 company? All of this is important in the details because social media is about authenticity. 

Stop pretending to be something you are not, and shine on social media by showing unique parts of the company and employees to add a personal touch. 

The overall takeaway from influencer marketing is to create consistent content with a strong strategy behind each and every post. Make sure to engage with consumers, create authentic content and build brand awareness to ensure consumers start to learn more about who your brand is and its impact on the world. 

Post like an influencer on social media with the help of Monstrous Media Group! With social media management and marketing strategies, we can help to create consistent branding, voice, authenticity and even more. 

Learn more by contacting us today!  

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