Your website landing page | Unique value proposition

Your website landing page | Unique value proposition

What is the difference between Lyft and Uber? QuickBooks or LessAccounting? What about Quik Fill versus BP gas stations? Their small but important value proposition to their consumers and customers

With Lyft and Uber, it might seem almost impossible to notice a difference between the two, but the small details give it a competitive edge. 

Think about it? Is there a grocery store you prefer over another, and if so, why is that? When considering your next marketing campaign, and its value to your consumers, don’t forget to consider this within your landing page. 

How do a company’s Unique Value Proposition and a landing page go hand-in-hand? This is how. 

What’s the unique value proposition?

Unique Value Proposition (UVP), also known as Unique Selling Proposition (USP),  is the defining difference between your competition due to unique selling features and services that consumers are looking for. 

How do your products meet the needs and demands of your target audience? What is the biggest difference between your products and services versus your competitors? What about the smallest difference that gives you a competitive advantage? 

If you are in the jewelry business, and your competitors are offering free repair services up to a certain amount, that could be a big competitive advantage over your prices and services. 

A unique value proposition answers an important question

Why should consumers buy the product or services you're selling?

In relation to a marketing campaign, what would be the driving force between another uninterested consumer and a new customer? 

As such, your website needs to highlight the immediate and specific advantages your customers get when using your services. It should demonstrate how and why your products can solve the customers’ problems.

Jargon can potentially turn website visitors away if they’re new to the industry, which will likely impact your traffic and conversions. Therefore, it’s important to put things in terms that your potential customers and visitors can understand.

This leads to a landing page value proposition. 

How does this coincide with your landing page?

Landing page value proposition 

This standalone page on your site should always have a specific goal in mind because without one, a company can find its marketing floundering. Yes, technically, any page on a website can be a landing page, but other pages on your site are not dedicated to a single campaign. 

A statistic that states

For a large majority of marketing campaigns that has specific actions to take, such as, signing up for a newsletter, a PPC campaign, a Facebook advertising campaign, Press Releases, and other campaigns, a landing page is the best way to isolate your website traffic in a way that allows you to track individual marketing campaigns. 

How do you implement this into your landing page?

  1. Remove jargon
  2. Remove unnecessary graphical elements 
  3. Use the right language
  4. The following format: headline, subheadline, content, and visual/form
  5. Add incentives for them to stay longer or finish the goal
  6. Smooth transitions

You need a value proposition and the ability to clearly communicate it throughout the entire website, but most importantly in marketing campaigns with unique landing pages. They landed on your website for a reason, so keep them on your website. 

Hire us! 

Monstrous Media Group is one of the leading creative management firms in the Midwest! With in-house website designers, developers, and marketing specialists, we can ensure that your campaigns go smoothly from the beginning design of your landing page to the final execution of the marketing campaigns. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

