Use micromarketing to take your strategy to the next level

Use micromarketing to take your strategy to the next level

Understanding your target market is a crucial part of successful marketing campaigns. It’s also a huge part of your marketing tactics. When  building a micromarketing strategy, you’ll need to create your ideal buyer persona and select ways to reach them. Micromarketing is all about targeting the ones most likely to respond.

Micromarketing is more personal than mass marketing. Choosing the right metrics, tailoring your message, and customizing your outreach will turn leads into loyal customers. It’s necessary to know the types of micromarketing so you can decide how to best target your audience.

Types of micromarketing


Location-based marketing segments people in a particular place, most likely a specific city.


Relationship-based marketing helps develop connections and engagements with customers.


Industry-based marketing is just as it sounds, marketing to a certain industry. Marketing efforts are tailored to meet the needs of the industry.

Customer needs

Customer needs-based marketing focuses on customers with distinct needs. Promotional efforts are geared towards solving customer problems and offering potential solutions.

Brand loyalty

Brand loyalty is important for any brand. Brand loyalty is when customers repeatedly choose your brand over others. When marketing to these customers, you want to keep your brand consistent.

Job title

Job title-based marketing is commonly seen in B2B marketing. This is when you tailor your campaign to a specific job function or seniority such as CEO, CMO, CFO, VP, Manager, or Director.


Size-based marketing targets company size. For micromarketing, it is likely you’ll choose a smaller company size with the goal of reaching the members of that organization.

Customer recovery

Sometimes customers may have a negative experience with your business. Customer recovery-based marketing is centered around winning these customers back by amending the issue.

Price sensitive

Price sensitivity is when the price of a product or service increases, causing demand to drop. Some customers may be affected more than others. Your price-sensitive-based marketing strategies will want to encourage customers to keep purchasing.

Targeting strategies

In order to have the best strategy, you’ll need to ask the right questions. These seven lucky questions are sure to get your target audience right:

  • Who buys my product or service?
  • What are my customer’s needs?
  • Who does my customer hope to be?
  • Who does my customer look up to?
  • Who is most likely to respond to my marketing message?
  • How can I best reach my customer?
  • Who is my customer paying attention to on social media?

These questions can help you create the ideal buyer persona and tailor your message to their needs, behaviors, and other demographics. From there, you can choose what platform you’re going to use to reach your audience, such as social media, Google Ads, or maybe even a guerrilla marketing campaign.

Uses on social media

Nowadays, social media is often the best way to reach customers. It is estimated that 4.62 billion people use social media worldwide. Social media is a great way to push brand loyalty. Customers can engage with or upload brand-related content. You can also analyze the data on social media to better understand your customers, and keep them satisfied. If you use social media correctly, your brand will only grow. 

Digital marketing Omaha professionals are your remedy

If you’re looking to grow your marketing efforts, our digital marketing Omaha professionals can help. We know all about metrics and messaging. We can build a strategy and help your company get the reach and awareness you need. Reach out to us today!

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

