Three marketing ideas every small business should try

Three marketing ideas every small business should try

There is a lot to love about summer - the sunshine, pools and endless backyard barbecues! With so much going on during this time, a lot of businesses can see slow months. The reason being that some clients and customers are taking time off and going on vacation to other cities.

Not all is bad news! Summers in Omaha are beneficial for many small businesses. During this period, the College World Series brings in a lot of business. The research has found that this event had an economic impact of $88.3 million and supported 1,103 year-round jobs in 2019

Omaha business owners and marketers should use these summer months to drive more traffic to their stores with creative marketing strategies. Our marketing agency Omaha experts are here to share three ideas that every small business should try. 

Three summer marketing ideas for small businesses

Create sizzling sales

The summer is full of different holidays like Father’s Day, the Fourth of July and Labor Day that businesses should take advantage of to draw in more customers. You can bring in more people to your physical location or online store through the use of sales

By offering them a discount or promotion, you can increase their likelihood of doing business with you. Some sale promotions that companies are using include a percentage off, money off or free shipping. You can promote your sales through different digital marketing channels like email marketing, social media posts and even pay-per-click advertising

Partner up with the community

There is no better way to bring the community together than through a common cause. During the summer months, our marketing agency team thinks it is a good idea to partner up with a local non-profit organization. You can help them raise funds for their cause or raise awareness while also increasing your brand awareness.

You can promote this partnership online through social media. In return, this can help both your business and the organization gain followers on social media. Plus, through social media, you have the opportunity to promote posts to gain more traction. Some ideas for partnerships include:

Hold a donation drive

Give a certain percentage of the sale to that cause

Hold a fundraising event 

Sell an item and give that money to the cause

Do summer email marketing campaigns

Almost three-quarters of consumers (73 percent) have summer travel plans. This percentage could include many of your customers. So what better way to reach your customers while they are on vacation than through email. Even when on vacation, many people continually check their emails. 

81 percent of all emails are opened and read on mobile devices. Sending regular email campaigns during the summer helps put your company’s name in front of your customers and even helps make sales - especially if you are e-commerce. Plus, sending emails is one of the easy digital marketing metrics that small businesses can monitor and track. 

Some summer email marketing campaign ideas include:

Summer sales


Contests and giveaways

Customer testimonials

Hire the best marketing agency Omaha experts!

Whether your team needs a helping hand or you need help, let the experts at Monstrous Media Group help. Our marketing experts can help create successful strategies and manage all of your company’s digital marketing channels. Contact us today to learn more about our digital marketing services

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

