The scariest web stories in history

First, before you get started reading some of the scariest stories in Omaha, you need to set the mood with some creepy music. Halloween is all about ambiance, right?
We asked around the Monstrous Media Group office for some of the scariest scenarios they’ve been in. While many would assume this meant ghosts, goblins and Dodge Street traffic, their experiences were worse than we ever could have imagined.
We talked to our Graphic Design team first. They seemed pretty shook up when we asked them to describe a scenario that was the scariest for them.
“The lack of feedback on design concepts”, Mary said. “What do you love? What do you hate? We just don’t know what ‘be creative’ really means!” Scary, right?
Steph, Lead Graphic Designer, chimed in. “The request for Comic Sans or Papyrus on a website.” We all shuddered. It’s not safe to raise the dead.
After throwing some salt over our shoulders for good measure, we moved over to the Digital Marketing Team. One of our larger teams within Monstrous Media Group. They huddled together and spoke shakily about the threat of social media marketing without strategy.
Cringeworthy. We know.
“How is anyone to reach their target audience without insights?!” Chelsea shreaked.
“How would anyone increase their engagement without the right call to action?” Bradley started screaming.
Nora whispered scared, “What if...Facebook was hacked...again?!”
McKenzie could only cry.
Honestly, this was too much for all of us. We had to move on. It was too real and too scary to think about social media marketing without a strategy.
We crafted up some garlic necklaces quick and tiptoed towards the Development Team.
After they realized we were talking to them, they took off their headphones and blankly stared at us. They hadn’t spoken in days.
John, our Lead Developer mouthed something. We couldn’t understand him.
“WordPress...” he whispered under his breath.
We still couldn’t hear him.
Mahita, Mid-Level Developer, slammed her fists on her desk and yelled, “WORDPRESS!” and then ran away.
John started to tear up. “You just can’t compare a WordPress site to ExpressionEngine, you just can’t”.
But what did he mean?!
John went further. “An ExpressionEngine site is just so much safer, so much more secure. WordPress. Well...it’s like leaving your door unlocked at night and asking Annabel to camp in the front yard. It might be fine, but what if it’s not?!”
John was sounding too shrill to go on any further. We needed to talk to Jacob, our Mid-Level Developer. Maybe he had more to say.
We couldn’t find Jacob anywhere. Until we heard a whisper from underneath his desk.
We crouched down to make eye contact with him. With a blank stare, he said, “No SEO.” He disappeared into the dark.
Don’t get caught up in these scary situations. They’re not worth it.
From all of us monsters at Monstrous Media Group, we wish you the safest and scariest Halloween!
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