Is hiring an Omaha SEO expert a one-time thing?

Is hiring an Omaha SEO expert a one-time thing?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is the process of organically increasing website traffic in numbers AND in quality. Sure, you can pay an Omaha SEO expert for increased results through PPC keywords and advertisements, however, organic SEO is truly the bread and butter of your web traffic.

Here, at Monstrous Media Group, it’s not uncommon for our team to be asked how long SEO takes.

Is SEO a one-time service and then it’s done? Do we do “SEO things” on a Monday in January and then it’s all wrapped up for the year?

As we’ve mentioned in the past, SEO takes time; it’s not a one-time thing. To ensure your organic traffic is driven in by quality leads, SEO processes need to be executed in four different, yet consecutive stages: daily, monthly, quarterly, yearly.

Daily SEO

One of the most important aspects of being an Omaha SEO expert is the daily grind we put into our work. Much like the continuous training that goes into a sport, sharpening our SEO skills is crucial to the future success of your SEO. SEO is a game of maintenance and we love playing.

Daily SEO includes staying up on industry news, algorithm updates and the subtle changes that can go overlooked in the long run.

Monthly SEO

We love monthly SEO checkups. Being able to monitor success, (and losses for that matter) in a shorter time frame, offers up insight as to what is working for your website and what is not. When SEO is evaluated each month, an experts like us can prioritize action items for the month to come.

We’re competitive by nature here. Taking the time to monitor SEO rankings on a monthly basis helps in identifying keyword roadblocks, what your competition is up to and ways to perfect daily SEO tasks for your business, specifically.

Quarterly SEO

Some might consider quarterly SEO a hearty undertaking. Us? We’re problem solvers and we live for it! Quarterly SEO involves the intense technical aspects of your website. SEO is so much more than ranking for keywords through a blog.

Quarterly SEO manages site speed, mobility, spam links, errors, algorithm and plugin updates. The duties of this phase will, in time, transition into the daily tasks monitored by our Omaha SEO expert team! At this time, our team also performs local listing maintenance to ensure consistent and accurate data for search engines and your current customers.

Yearly SEO

Yearly SEO is the big picture. As mentioned, SEO is a long and continuous process. The “petit” phases (daily, monthly, quarterly) of our SEO services, are all ongoing with Yearly SEO in mind.

This phase includes extensive reviewing of the overall performance of your strategy, red flag and warning reports. Also included, a breakdown of tactics for the year to come and what should be implemented for your business’s daily strategy.

As you can see, SEO is essentially “technical multitasking”. That’s the best part of hiring an Omaha SEO expert! We understand the value in keeping all the gears moving at one time to ensure the success of your website! Just as you value quality leads, we value quality SEO tactics to boost your organic results!

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

