Guide to designing websites for start-ups

Guide to designing websites for start-ups

In the digital realm, there is only one opportunity to grab the attention of consumers and make a positive impact. It takes around 0.05 seconds for consumers to form an opinion of a company. As a startup launches, it is important to hire a website designer Omaha to ensure that the best elements are set in place from beginning to end. 

Whether this is your first startup or third restart, it is important to follow these five elements for each different website design and development project! 

1. Understand branding

Branding refers to the company’s identity of the products and services that leave a lasting impression. The thing with branding is that it is everything that is published on the website. It involves color, typography, voice, website content, and so many more elements. 

Do the research. While it is great to reinvent the wheel to stand out against the crowd, it can also be a losing tactic in the end. If the industry is a bit more buttoned-up, bright bold colors and graphics could deter the consumers. 

A startup wants to match the tone of the industry while still adding its own identity to its site. 

2. Showcase products/services

Research shows that 47 percent of website visitors check out a company’s products/ services before looking at any other site sections. The products/ services on a startup’s website, or any website, are what solve the problem for a consumer. Whether it is B2B or B2C, the consumer is searching for a solution to their current problem. 

The products and services are the selling points. Whether it is a SaaS platform or storage units, it is important to add valuable content to these services and products pages that take the consumer through the right journey of the stage. 

3. Streamlined navigation

A website should provide the ability for consumers to seamlessly navigate through each different page. If a consumer wants to go from the blog, to services, back to the blog, and then the contact us form, they shouldn’t miss a beat! 

It should only take three clicks to find the exact page they are searching for. The right navigation can be a turning point for a website. Our website designers Omaha recommend sticking with the traditional navigation “hamburger”.  

4. Clear CTAs

A poorly written call to action (CTA) can be the difference between a new sale or lead versus trying to figure out why the site isn’t producing the desired results.

A call to action tells the audience the next step in the customer journey. Even with the customer being more technologically savvy than ever before, it is important to guide them through the process. Don’t leave them asking, “what’s next?” 

Here are 12 different ways to write the best CTA

Hire a website designer in Omaha! 

Our website designers and developers have helped startups and Fortune 500 companies get their websites up and running time and time again, with website maintenance available as an add-on! 

See for yourself why our customer retention rate is so high, contact us! 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

