How to Make Your Web Design Look Consistent?

How to Make Your Web Design Look Consistent?


Having consistency in your web design is highly beneficial for your company. Even though there are a large number of websites with various design styles, certain page elements are always similar. When there is consistency in your web design, the visitors won’t have a hard time using your website. They will understand how your website works and get the most out of it.

With the help of the following four tips, you will be able to make your web design look consistent:

1. Design based on the expectations of your users

Most of the online users expect websites to work a particular way, that is vertical scrolling, clickable links, and visible navigation throughout the website. While it is up to you to fulfill these expectations, you need to ensure you have a uniform and clean design throughout your website. With a uniform design, you will be able to make the lives of your website visitors easier. Put yourself in their position and imagine what is necessary to make your page user-friendly. Also, make sure the designs will optimize and improve the experience of the users on your website.

2. Innovative and simple design

Your users should be able to understand what your business has to offer just by looking at the header. The header is the area that explains what the website is for and what it does. Also, it is the first element of your page visible to all the online users. You can use interface elements such as hamburger menus and fonts to make the website look innovative and simple. You can also make the add sub-menus to the hamburger menu, to make your website easy to use.

3. Reuse the same layout styles

You should use the same layout style on multiple pages or the landing pages of your website. For consistent web design, you should reuse the same elements throughout your pages but with different graphics and content. When you use the same layout styles, your users will be comfortable in using your website. It also breeds familiarity, which is extremely important in making the website user-friendly. Find out which layout designs work and use them on other web pages, by making minor changes.

4. Maintain consistency in branding

Branding on your website is much more than just the identity of your business. You need page icons, padding, typefaces, textures, and colors that are related to your brand. When you take a look at MailChimp or Docker, you will understand how effective these page elements are in branding. When you keep these elements consistent, your website will become a powerful tool for branding.

Once you are aware of how to make your website design look consistent, you will begin noticing that other websites also do the same, subtly. Remember, your visitors need a consistent user experience throughout your website. When you use the above tips in your web design, you will be able to make it look more consistent!

Can we create a new web design for you and your business?  Let's chat!  {contact-form}

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