Google Analytics Update: Firebase

Google Analytics recently underwent a product update, deemed Firebase.  Being introduced as the next generation of Google Tag Manager and Tag Manager 360 for Mobile Apps.

With the introduction of Firebase, using Tag Manager and Tag Manager 360 is even more powerful when configuring your in-app measurements.

Yesterday Google I/O announced the expansion of Firebase, unifying the mobile developer platform making it easier to build apps through Google’s products and services, including Google Tag Manager.  The most recent version of Tag Manager and Tag Manager 360 for mobile apps works with Firebase and to extend its capabilities for developers and marketers.

Unified in-app instrumentation

Firebase Analytics, designed specifically for mobile apps, is a free unlimited analytics product.  Firebase allows for a unified way for developers to measure any and everything that’s happening in an app from key business drivers to detailed interaction by its users.  In terms of Tag Manager, this makes Firebase Analytics ready to start without recoding.

To start with Google Tag Manager and Tag Manager 360, all you must do is sign up for Firebase, login to Tag Manager, and set up a new Firebase container adding both Firebase Analytics and Google Tag Manager to your app.  Everything you’ve been measuring will be ready to use.

Dynamic measurement

By having Tag Manager or Tag Manager 360 added to your app, you have the capabilities to change your measurement setup without having to delve into the app update process.  This is beneficial if you’ve mislabeled an even or critical parameter.

With Tag Manager and Firebase, you’re able to streamline how your development and marketing teams work together.  Even the most basic of tag changes can take an extensive amount of effort between multiple teams.  With these two working together, your teams can work with ease.

So many options

Though Firebase is meant to make building apps and measuring behavior easier, it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution.  Marketers and developers often times choose to use multiple solutions from a variety of vendors within their apps.  Deciphering between these tools with Google Tag Manager and Tag Manager 360 is easy.

Firebase Analytics easily measures what’s going on in your app without limiting you to single tools.  New partners are being added to their repertoire often!

"We have always been passionate about supporting developers by making sure Kochava is always integrated with the best tools. That's why we're so excited to provide out-of-the-box support for Google Tag Manager via Firebase."

- Charles Manning, CEO of Kochava

Upgrading to the latest version of Google Tag Manager for mobile apps is encouraged, keeping in mind that the current SDKs will work as they always have.   As with any upgrade, doing so sooner than later is beneficial to make the most of your tag management experience.

To read more about Firebase, follow the link here.

If you have questions on how Monstrous Media Group can help your company utilize its analytics and data, contact us! {contact-form}

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