February SEO Notes - The latest in the industry

February SEO Notes - The latest in the industry

In January, Google released a number of unconfirmed updates, with six different unconfirmed updates. January was a big month, and as we roll into February, there are fewer changes, and SEO experts in Omaha can appreciate this. 

While there have been fewer updates this month, the Google volatility show higher forecasting through several industries, from fashion to legal! 


Google volatility affects SEO in several different ways. First, volatility can mean websites can see a decline or increase in their organic traffic or keywords, but as these levels continue to go up and down, a website can find itself leveling back out! 

As always, SEOs suspect an update is coming, but until Google lets us know, it is up in the air. 

Google Webmaster Report- February 2022 

Each month, Google releases a Google Webmaster Report that provides SEOs and Web Developers alike the latest changes and new opportunities to grow their ranking or improve the website! 

At the end of January, Google released their latest URL Inspection API for Google Search Console. What does this API do? This API tells you the index status, AMP, rich results, and mobile usability. This new API provides all of the information needed to increase ranking in SERP. This is because these new features are in regards to the Page Experience update

For more information regarding expert SEO services in Omaha or any of our other locations, contact us today! 

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