Digital Marketing and the myth of instant gratification

Thanks to the internet, digital marketing is a flourishing industry. Through social media, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click and email marketing, businesses have the opportunity to reach a targeted audience in a direct, impactful way. For a digital marketing agency, building a strategy to fit the best media available is executed through deep research, social listening and monitoring results.
With the popularity of social media and it’s avenue of instant communication, oftentimes there can be a skewed perception of what a digital marketing agency can and should provide. Instant gratification has become an expectation, not only for consumers, but for businesses as well.
Impatience can be the root of all evil in the world of digital marketing. While the strategies and content a digital marketing agency create can be shared instantly by way of the internet, earning results can (and should) take time!
Digital marketing and instant gratification
John Wooden said it best, “Good things take time, as they should. We shouldn’t expect good things to happen overnight. Actually, getting something too easily or too soon can cheapen the outcome.”
It would be easy for a digital marketing agency to promise a million followers, unstoppable web traffic, and an increase in sales overnight. There are certainly unethical ways to do that, but at a harmful cost. If you value your reputation, business and most importantly, the audience you serve, it’s important to put the expectation of instant results to rest.
While creating instant, bite-sized content is great for customer engagement, the goal of a digital marketing agency is to produce content that develops continuous results throughout time in search results and on social media.
Why? Because when businesses cut corners for instant results, people feel it.
SEO Results take time
While showing up on page one of Google is “the want” for every business, that success comes with time. Any reputable marketing agency, in Omaha or otherwise, will never guarantee instant or specific results on Google.
Why? Rankings are volatile. Google’s rules, guidelines and algorithms are unpredictable and change at random. What might boost your rankings one day can drastically change the next.
Social media results take time
One might assume that having the ability to post information instantaneously on social media creates the opportunity to gain an exaggerated amount of followers in an instant. With over 2.77 billion social media users in the world, they should all come flocking to your business pages, right?
While there is value in having a large following on social media, the quality of your audience is far more important. It makes more sense to have a “room” full of interested, like-minded people as opposed to a “room” full of random people that will never buy into what you’re selling.
Think of it this way; it doesn’t make sense to promote a rare steak to a vegan.
An expert digital marketing agency knows the best way to increase your organic website traffic and social media following. By trusting their process, your business will see results that matter as a whole and not just for an instant.
Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.
We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!