5 Innovative Virtual Reality Marketing Campaigns

5 Innovative Virtual Reality Marketing Campaigns


Walk into the bedroom; inspect the width or the room or the color of your wardrobes.  Now take a look at the modular kitchen cabinets in your kitchen.  Don’t like what you see? Change the color and design just by choosing another design option, with a click.  You can walk into and experience your new home even before it is built or remodeled, thanks to virtual reality (VR).

Virtual reality is set to be the focus of digital marketing. A 2015 study found that at least 75% of most valuable brands that were featured in the Forbes list used some form of VR. The future technology has already been around for some time and was a $1 billion industry last year in 2016.  In another 4 years, it is expected to cross $30 billion and set to take over the digital marketing space in a big way!  

What is virtual reality?

Movie buffs are familiar with virtual reality portrayed as the technology of the future, where you can get to flick pages on a digital screen that is projected in front of you or experience a Ferrari ride down the formula racing track.   The fact that VR lets you experience in multiple dimensions of three or four, the service or product, makes it a very effective digital marketing tool.

In the example given above of choosing the interiors or design of your home, VR can save time and money since it can be very expensive to re-do any aspect in the real world.   It cannot be disputed that immersing yourself in the virtual sight, sound, smell, and movement is more engaging than skimming through boring ads.

Here are some of the innovative ways VR was used for enhancing customer experience:

  • Choose the kitchen styles: IKEA is one of those companies which have brought in the VR experience through a headset, to allow potential customers to get a virtual feel of the interiors of the kitchen. They get to see and choose different styles before zeroing in on one. Besides saving money, VR can offer an exciting way of experiencing the product or service instead of being bombarded with monotonous email promotions or advertorials.   
  • Get immersed in a VR game: Happy Meal boxes of McDonald’s have now turned into a VR headset, giving the thrill of virtual reality to the customers.  After downloading an app, you can just slide your phone into the VR goggles and immerse yourself into the VR world.
  • Fly the X-wing: When it comes to movies and fantasy, can Star Wars be far behind?  The promotions of the latest Star War trilogy featured a 360 VR experience where you would experience what it feels like to be inside an X-wing fighter while it dodges and spins.
  • Be teleported:   In 2016, Marriott launched its travel VR that lets users visit stunning locations where Marriott has a presence. From sun-kissed in Maui to skyscraper in London, you can experience the sun and the wind, wearing an Oculus Rift VR headset. 
  • The thrill of a ride: Coca-cola used VR in a novel way, by launching their Christmas campaign with a virtual ride on the sleigh as Santa.

What's your favorite way that virtual reality has helped you and your business?  What's a way that it could, if you haven't utilized it? {contact-form}

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