
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Want to know what’s scary? Not using Google Analytics
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  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • Website Development

Want to know what’s scary? Not using Google Analytics

Snakes, spiders, witches, gobblins and monsters are all scary, but what is even more terrifying? A business without a way to track, measure and analyze their strategies.

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ExpressionEngine Acquired by EEHarbor
  • Business
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  • Website Development

ExpressionEngine Acquired by EEHarbor

ExpressionEngine has been acquired by EEHarbor. What does this mean for the future? New releases, updates, management and the same 'ole same Monstrous Media Group.

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“Alexa, how do I rank for voice search?”
  • SEO and Search Marketing

“Alexa, how do I rank for voice search?”

In 2020, 50 percent of searches will be conducted with a voice assistant. A Google Home or Alexa is changing the SEO landscape and here's how to optimize your website.

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PART 2: Google Analytics 101
  • Client Resources
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

PART 2: Google Analytics 101

Google Analytics provides a better understanding of digital marketing strategies that are being set and followed by any full service digital marketing agency.

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PART 1: Google Analytics 101
  • Client Resources
  • Website Development

PART 1: Google Analytics 101

This blog breaks down Google Analytics for clients logging into the backend of their website!

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