Published: March, 2010 
Revised: March, 2024


This Physical Security Policy outlines the requirements for managing physical access to MMG facilities to ensure the safety and security of MMG’s physical assets, personnel, and information. The policy applies to all MMG employees, contractors, vendors, and visitors and covers all MMG locations and any off-site locations where MMG business is conducted.

I. Purpose

The purpose of this Physical Security Policy is to ensure the safety and security of MMG’s physical assets, personnel, and information. This policy outlines the procedures and guidelines for managing physical access to MMG facilities.

II. Scope

This policy applies to all MMG employees, contractors, vendors, and visitors. It covers all MMG locations and any off-site locations where MMG business is conducted.

III. Access Control

  • Employee Access: Employees must use their assigned key fobs to access MMG facilities. Fobs must be kept securely with employees at all times while on company premises.

  • Contractor and Vendor Access: Contractors and vendors must be pre-approved and registered before being granted access. They will receive temporary identification badges that must be worn at all times on MMG premises.

  • Visitor Access: All visitors must be pre-approved by an MMG officer and registered at the reception upon arrival. Visitors must present valid identification and be issued a visitor badge.

IV. Visitor Management

  • Authorization Requirement: Non-company employees are strictly prohibited from bringing visitors onto MMG office grounds without prior authorization from an MMG officer.

  • Accompaniment Requirement: All visitors must be accompanied by an authorized MMG employee at all times while on the premises.

  • Registration: Visitors must register at the front desk upon arrival, providing valid identification and stating the purpose of their visit. Visitor name tags must be worn at all times and returned upon departure.

  • Escorting Visitors: The escorting MMG employees are responsible for ensuring that visitors comply with all MMG security protocols and for escorting them throughout their visit.

V. Facility Security

  • Surveillance: All MMG facilities are equipped with security cameras, microphone recording, and communication device monitoring systems to monitor and record activities in all public areas.

  • Alarm Systems: Intrusion detection systems must be installed and maintained at all entry points to alert security personnel of unauthorized access attempts.

VI. Asset Protection

  • Secured Areas: Sensitive areas, such as data centers and storage rooms, must have restricted access controlled by key cards or biometric systems.

  • Asset Inventory: An up-to-date inventory of physical assets must be maintained, and all assets must be securely stored when not in use.

  • Loss Prevention: Any loss or theft of physical assets must be immediately reported to the Information Security Office and investigated.

VII. Incident Reporting

  • Reporting Procedures: All security incidents, including unauthorized access and security breaches, must be reported immediately to the Information Security Office.

  • Investigation: The Information Security Office is responsible for investigating all security incidents and taking appropriate corrective actions.

VIII. Compliance

  • Training: All employees must receive regular training on physical security policies and procedures.

  • Audits: Regular audits must be conducted to ensure compliance with the Physical Security Policy. Any non-compliance must be addressed promptly.

IX. Review and Revision

This policy will be reviewed annually and revised as necessary to ensure its effectiveness and relevance.