Published: March, 2010
Revised: March, 2023

I. Introduction

In the course of carrying out its business objectives staff at Monstrous Media Group LLC (“MMG”) collect many different types of information, including financial, medical, human resources and other personal information. MMG values the ability to communicate and share information appropriately. Such information is an important resource of MMG and any person who uses information collected by MMG has a responsibility to maintain and protect this resource. Federal and state laws and regulations, as well as industry standards, also impose obligations on MMG to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of information relating to all staff and clients. In addition, terms of certain contracts and MMG policy require appropriate safeguarding of information.

This Charter and the information security policies adopted by MMG hereunder (collectively, the “Information Security Policies”) define the principles and terms of MMG’s Information Security Management Program (the “Information Security Program”) and the responsibilities of the members of MMG community in carrying out the Information Security Program.

The information resources (the “Information Resources”) included in the scope of the Information Security Policies are:

  • All Data (as defined in Section IV below) regardless of the storage medium (e.g., paper, fiche, electronic tape, cartridge, disk, CD, DVD, external drive, copier hard drive, etc.) and regardless of form (e.g., text, graphic, video, audio, etc.);
  • The computing hardware and software Systems (as defined in Section IV below) that process, transmit and store Data; and
  • The Networks (as defined in Section IV below) that transport Data.

The Information Security Policies are MMG-wide policies that apply to all individuals who access, use or control Information Resources at MMG, including staff as well as contractors, consultants and other agents of MMG and/or individuals authorized to access Information Resources by affiliated institutions and organizations.

Capitalized terms used herein without definition are defined in Section IV below.

II. Charter History

  • The effective date of this Policy is March 30, 2010.
  • Reviewed and/or revised March 14, 2023.

III. Charter Text

The mission of the Information Security Program is to protect the confidentiality, integrity and availability of Data. Confidentiality means that information is only accessible to authorized users. Integrity means safeguarding the accuracy and completeness of Data and processing methods. Availability means ensuring that authorized users have access to Data and associated Information Resources when required. This Charter establishes the various functions within the Information Security Program and authorizes the persons described under each function to carry out the terms of the Information Security Policies. The functions are:

A. Executive Management

Executive Managers are senior MMG officials, who are responsible for overseeing information security for their respective areas of responsibility and ensuring compliance with all Information Security Policies. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to:  

  • Ensuring that each System Owner and Data Owner in their respective areas of responsibility appropriately identify and classify Data;
  • Ensuring that each such System Owner and Data Owner receives training on how to handle Sensitive Data and Confidential Data; and  
  • Ensuring that each IT Custodian in his/her area of responsibility provides periodic reports with respect to the inventory of Information Resources used in such area to the applicable Information Security Office.
B. Security, Policy and Compliance Governance

The following committees have been established to govern security, policy and compliance issues relating to the Information Security Program at the organizational level:  

  • Information Security Steering Committee (Executive Strategic Oversight)  
  • MMG Compliance Committee (Regulatory Compliance Requirements)  
  • Administrative Policy Council (Review of and Advice on Administrative Policies)  PCI-DSS Governance Committee (Credit Card Compliance)
C. Security Management

Security Managers are Managers in the MMG business office. Security Managers are responsible for the day to day management of the Information Security Program, including:  

  • Developing, documenting and disseminating the Information Security Policies;  
  • Educating and training MMG personnel in information security matters;  
  • Communicating information regarding the Information Security Policies;  
  • Developing and executing the Risk Management Program;  
  • Translating the Information Security Policies into technical requirements, standards and procedures;  
  • Collaborating with Data Owners and System Owners to determine the appropriate means of using Information Resources; and  
  • Authorizing any required exceptions to any Information Security Policy or any associated technical standards or procedures and reporting such exceptions to the Office of the General Counsel.

In addition to the responsibilities listed above, the Executive Managers have granted the authority to the Information Security Offices to conduct the following activities:  

  • Monitoring communications and Data that use the MMG Network or Systems for transmission or storage;  
  • Monitoring use of the MMG’s Information Resources;  
  • Conducting vulnerability scanning of any Information Resources connected to the MMG Network;  
  • Conducting security assessments of Systems, Server centers and Data centers;  
  • Disconnecting Information Resources that present a security risk from the MMG Network;  
  • Erasing all Data stored on personal Endpoints previously used for MMG business, as requested or required; and 4  
  • Leading and managing the MMG Response Team in connection with any breach or compromise of Sensitive Data

The MMG’s Information Security Officer and MMG’s Information Security Officer are the Security Management responsible officers.

D. Data Ownership

Data Owners are MMG officials, including Directors, Executive Strategy, who are responsible for determining Data classifications, working with the applicable Information Security Office in performing risk assessments and developing the appropriate procedures to implement the Information Security Policies in their respective areas of responsibility. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

  • Appropriately identifying and classifying Data in their respective areas of responsibilities
  • Establishing and implementing security requirements for such Data in consultation with
  • the applicable Information Security Office;
  • Where possible, clearly labeling Sensitive Data and Confidential Data;
  • Approving appropriate access to Data; and
E. System Ownership

System Owners are MMG Executive Managers and Managers who are responsible for determining computing needs, and applicable System hardware and software, in their respective areas of responsibility and ensuring the functionality of each such System. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to:  

  • Classifying each System in their respective areas of responsibility based on the identification and classification of Data by the applicable Data Owner;  
  • Establishing and implementing security requirements for each such System in consultation with the applicable Information Security Office;  
  • Documenting and implementing audit mechanisms, timing of log reviews and log retention periods;  
  • Maintaining an inventory of such Systems;  
F. Technical Ownership

IT Custodians are MMG personnel who are responsible for providing a secure infrastructure in support of Data, including, but not limited to, providing physical security, backup and recovery processes, granting access privileges as authorized by Data Owners or System Owners and implementing and administering controls over Data in their respective areas of responsibility. Such responsibilities include, but are not limited to:  

  • Maintaining an inventory of all Endpoints used in their respective areas of responsibility;  
  • Conducting periodic security checks of Systems and Networks, including password checks, in their respective areas of responsibility;  
  • Documenting and implementing audit mechanisms, timing of log reviews and log retention periods;  Performing self-audits and reporting metrics to the applicable Information Security Office and monitoring assessments and appropriate corrective actions; and  
  • Ensuring that the MMG Sanitization and Disposal of Information Resources Policy is followed.

IT Groups are two or more IT Custodians whose responsibilities involve the same Information Resource. All IT Groups located within MMG must follow the specific procedures relating to IT Groups in the MMG Information Security Procedures.

G. System or Data Usage

Users are persons who use Information Resources. Users are responsible for ensuring that such Resources are used properly and that information is not made available to unauthorized persons and appropriate security controls are in place.

IV. Definitions

As used in the Information Security Policies, the following terms are defined as follows:

AES: the Advanced Encryption Standard adopted by the U.S. government.

Approved MMG Email System: as defined in the MMG Email Usage Policy

Monstrous Media Group or MMG: as defined in Section I of this Charter.

MMG Clientele Healthcare Component: the health care component of MMG that is comprised of MMGIT and the external clientele, healthcare systems, universities, departments, and offices of the external healthcare systems to the extent that they (1) provide treatment or health care services and engage in Covered Transactions or (2) receive PHI to provide a service to, or perform a function for or on behalf of, any MMG provided Clientele Healthcare Component(s).

Confidential Data: any information that is contractually protected as confidential information and any other information that is considered by MMG appropriate for confidential treatment. See the MMG Data Classification Policy for examples of Confidential Data.

Covered Entity: a (1) health plan, (2) health care clearinghouse or (3) a Covered Health Care Provider, as more particularly defined in the HIPAA Rules at 45 CFR 160.103.

Covered Health Care Provider: a health care provider that transmits any health information in electronic form in connection with a Covered Transaction.

Covered Transaction: an electronic financial or administrative transaction for which HHS has developed standards under the HIPAA Transactions and Code Sets Regulations, as more particularly described in the HIPAA Rules at 45 CFR 162.

Data: all items of information that are created, used, stored, or transmitted by MMG for the purpose of carrying out the mission of designing and developing and all data used in the execution of MMG’s required business functions.

Data Owner: as defined in Section III(D) of this Charter

DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol, which is a Network protocol that enables a Server to automatically assign an IP address to a Network enabled device from a defined range of numbers (i.e., a scope) configured for a given Network.

DNS: Domain Name System, which is a protocol within the set of standards for the exchange of Data on the Internet or on a private Network. The Domain Name System translates a user friendly domain name such as into an IP address such as “” that is used to identify computers on a Network.

Email System: a System that transmits, stores and receives emails.

Endpoint: any desktop or laptop computer (i.e., Windows, Mac, Linux/Unix), Mobile Device or other portable device used to connect to MMG wireless or wired Network, access MMG email from any local or remote location or access any institutional (MMG, departmental or individual) System either owned by MMG or by an individual and used for MMG purposes.

EPHI: Electronic Protected Health Information.

Health Care: the care, services or supplies relating to the health of an individual, including, without limitation, (1) preventive, diagnostic, therapeutic, rehabilitative, maintenance or palliative care, and counseling, service, assessment or procedure with respect to the physical o mental condition, or functional status, of an individual or that affects the structure or function of the body and (2) the sale or dispensing of a drug, device, equipment or other item in accordance with a prescription.

HHS: the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

HIPAA: the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, as amended from time to time.

HIPAA Rules: the HIPAA Privacy, Security and Breach Notifications and Enforcement Rules (45 CFR Parts 160 and 164), as amended from time to time.

HITECH: the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act, as amended from time to time.

IDEA: the International Data Encryption Algorithm.

Individually Identifiable Health Information or IIHI: any information (including demographic and genetic information) created or received by the MMG Clientele Healthcare Component that relates to (1) the past, present or future physical or mental health or condition of an individual, (2) the provision of Health Care to an individual or (3) the past, present or future payment for the provision of Health Care to an individual and either (a) identifies the individual 8 or (b) with respect to which there is a reasonable basis to believe that the information can be used to identify the individual, as more particularly described in the HIPAA Rules at 45 CFR 103.

Information Resources: as defined in Section I of this Charter.

Information Security Office: as defined in Section III(C) of this Charter. Information Security Policies: as defined in Section I of this Charter. Information Security Program: as defined in Section I of this Charter.

Internal Data: as defined in the MMG Data Classification Policy

IP: Internet Protocol.

IRB: Institutional Review Board.

IT Custodian: as defined in Section III(F) of this Charter.

IT Group: as defined in Section III(F) of this Charter. 

Key Business System: as defined in the MMG Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery Policy

MAC: Media Access Control.

Mobile Device: a smart/cell phone (i.e., iPhone, Blackberry, Android, Windows phone), tablet (i.e., iPad, Nexus, Galaxy Tab and other Android based tablet) or USB/removable drive.

Network: electronic Information Resources that are implemented to permit the transport of Data between interconnected Endpoints. Network components may include routers, switches, hubs, cabling, telecommunications, VPNs and wireless access points.

OHCA: an Organized Health Care Arrangement, which is an arrangement or relationship, recognized in the HIPAA Rules that allows two or more Covered Entities that hold themselves out to the public as participating in a joint arrangement and participate in certain joint activities to share PHI for joint health care operations purposes.

MMG Information Security Office: as defined in Section III(C) of this Charter.

MMGIT: MMG Information Technology

MMGIT Information Security Procedures: the MMG Information Security Procedures established by the MMGIT Information Security Office

MMGIT Network: the Network owned and operated by MMG.

MMG Network: the Network owned and operated by MMG, including the MMG Network.

Payment Card: for purposes of PCI-DSS, any payment card/device that bears the logo of the founding members of PCI SSC, which are American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa, Inc.

PCI: Payment card industry.

PCI-DSS: the PCI Data Security Standard produced by the PCI–SSC, which mandates compliance requirements for enhancing the security of payment card data.

PCI-SSC: the PCI Security Standards Council, which is an open global forum of payment brands, such as American Express, Discover Financial Services, JCB International, MasterCard Worldwide and Visa Inc, that are responsible for developing the PCI-DSS.

Peer: a network participant that makes a portion of its resources, such as processing power, disk storage or network bandwidth, directly available to other network participants, without the need for central coordination by Servers or stable hosts. Examples include KaZaa, BitTorrent, Limewire and Bearshare.

Peer-to-Peer File Sharing Program: a program that allows any computer operating the program to share and make available files stored on the computer to any machine with similar software and protocol.

Personally Identifiable Information or PII: any information about an individual that (1) can be used to distinguish or trace an individual’s identity, such as name, date and place of birth, mother’s maiden name or biometric records, (2) is linked or likable to an individual, such as medical, educational, financial and employment information, which if lost, compromised or disclosed without authorization, could result in harm to that individual and (3) is protected by federal, state or local laws and regulations or industry standards.

Protected Health Information or PHI: IIHI that is transmitted or maintained by the MMG Clientele Healthcare Component in electronic of any other form or medium, except (1) as provided in the definition of Protected Health Information in the HIPAA Rules at 45 CFR 160.103.

Public Data: as defined in the MMG Data Classification Policy

Removable Media: CDs, DVDs, USB flash drives, external hard drives, Zip disks, diskettes, tapes, smart cards, medical instrumentation devices and copiers.

RHI: as defined in the MMG Data Classification Policy

Research Health Information or RHI: IIHI that (1) is created or received in connection with research that does not involve a Covered Transaction or (2) although previously consider PHI, has been received in connection with research pursuant to a valid HIPAA authorization or IRB waiver of authorization.

Risk Analysis: the process of identifying, estimating and prioritizing risks to organizational operations, assets and individuals. “Risk Assessment” is synonymous with “Risk Analysis”.

Risk Management Program: the combined processes of Risk Analysis, Risk Remediation and Risk Monitoring.

Risk Monitoring: the process of maintaining ongoing awareness of an organization’s information security risks via the risk management program.

Risk Remediation: the process of prioritizing, evaluating and implementing the appropriate risk-reducing security controls and countermeasures recommended from the risk management process. “Risk Mitigation” or “Corrective Action Planning” is synonymous with “Risk Remediation”.

RSA: the Rivest-Shamir-Adleman Internet encryption and authentication system.

Sensitive Data: any information protected by federal, state and local laws and regulations and industry standards, such as HIPAA, HITECH, the Nebraska State Information Security Breach and Notification Act, similar state laws and PCI-DSS. See the MMG Data Classification Policy for examples of Sensitive Data.

Server: any computing device that provides computing services, such as Systems and Applications, to Endpoints over a Network.

Service Account: a special User account for a System used to make configuration changes to the System.

SMTP: Simple Mail Transfer Protocol, which is an internet transportation protocol designed to ensure the reliable and efficient transfer of emails and is used by Email Systems to deliver messages between email providers.

SSL: the Secure Sockets Layer security protocol that encapsulates other network protocols in an encrypted tunnel.

User Records: as defined in the MMG Data Classification Policy

System: Server based software that resides on a single Server or multiple Servers and is used for University purposes. “Application” or “Information System” is synonymous with “System”.

System Administrator: a person who is responsible for the configuration, operation and maintenance of a System.

System Owner: as defined in Section III(E) of this Charter.

UPS: Uninterruptible Power Supply. 11

User: as defined in Section III(G) of this Charter.

User ID: a User Identifier.

VPN: Virtual Private Network

V. Enforcement

Violations of the Information Security Policies may result in corrective actions which may include: (a) the immediate suspension of computer accounts and network access; (b) mandatory attendance at additional training; (c) a letter to the individual’s personnel file; (d) administrative leave without pay; (e) termination of employment; or (f) civil or criminal prosecution.

VI. Applicable Laws, Regulations and Industry Standards

The federal and Nebraska State laws and regulations and industry standards that are applicable to information security at MMG are listed in Appendix B hereto.

Appendix A

Information Security Policies


Appendix B

Applicable Federal and Nebraska State Laws and Regulations


The Digital Millennium Copyright Act

The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (Financial Services Modernization Act of 1999)

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA)

The Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH)


Nebraska State

Internet Security and Privacy Act, Personal Internet account; employer; duty; liability.

Nebraska State Information Security Breach and Notification Act

Social Security Number Protection Law, 399-DDD (broken) 


Industry Standards

Payment Card Industry/Data Security Standard