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  • The Vast Universe


We are finally jumping on the public SCREW SOPA bandwagon. Corporate supporters of HR3261 (SOPA) and S968 (PIPA) demand the ability to take down any web site that affects their profits -- without due process or judicial oversight -- in the name of combating "online piracy." Hoping you won't notice or care, quite a few of our Public Servants want to give them that right.

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Email Marketing - Timing Is Everything
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Email Marketing - Timing Is Everything

When is the best time to send your email? Great question. In fact the time you decide to launch your campaign can have an impact on the overall results of your email campaign. This detail may not be as important as the audience you select, the subject line, or the list you are using, but it is a factor. But if you are working to get the maximum results and put everything in your favor then these are commonly accepted as the BEST times to launch your campaign.

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OSx Lion App Store Downloads Problems
  • The Vast Universe

OSx Lion App Store Downloads Problems

Hey alright, OSx Lion is out, why not hop over to the Apple App Store and download yourself a copy? Wait, maybe not because it's not working is it? 'Akamai’s servers and Apple’s datacenters are being hammered for OS X Lion downloads. But going forward, is it the right content distribution network for Apple?'  As of this morning, the answer is a big NO!! If you're like the millions of other Apple fans you're probably already at your witt's end trying to get yourself updated to Lion.

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25 Things to Test Before Your Site Goes Live (UPDATED)
  • The Vast Universe
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

25 Things to Test Before Your Site Goes Live (UPDATED)

(UPDATED) Launching a website is a little like making homemade soup. You’ve got many ingredients coming together, and before you’re done adding them, you sample it to see that you got it just right. But this step – the testing – is often ignored before a site goes live. Testing a new website can seem overwhelming. Teams aren’t sure where to start. Here's how.

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