
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

Beef Up Your Search Engine Optimization and Marketing This Fall
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Beef Up Your Search Engine Optimization and Marketing This Fall

The color of the leaves are a-changing, the cool air is starting to blow in, signifying that now right now is a wonderful time to beef up your stale and stagment SEO, just in time for the upcoming holidays. Did you know that most e-commerce websites receive more hits and sales in November and December than during any other time of the year? Believe it!! According to Comscore, online holiday shopping was up 14 percent in 2012 alone, and the surge in online commerce is expected to triple during the 2013 holiday season. So if you'd like to make the most of the flood of buyers who will be hitting the internet this fall and winter, simply follow these tips for seasonal SEO.

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Email lists + Facebook’s “Custom Audiences” = Marketing Success
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Email lists + Facebook’s “Custom Audiences” = Marketing Success

Focused marketing is good marketing. Within the past month + a few days, Facebook launched a potential game changer for marketers all over the world. In the past, your fate with marketing on Facebook was in the hands of the mother of all social media companies’ advertising algorithms. Pay per clicks and other advertising would go out to random people across the wonderful world of Facebook, who had “interest” in your offerings, and hopefully you would be reaching the demographic you wanted.

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Top Five Reasons You Need Google Inclusion Tools
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing

Top Five Reasons You Need Google Inclusion Tools

You've heard the inclusion buzz, we mean everyone you know is a Social and Search Marketing Expert these days, but what the heck does inclusion mean for you and your business and why on earth do I need it for my website? We're glad you asked Russ, let's go on a journey together.

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Email Marketing - Timing Is Everything
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Email Marketing - Timing Is Everything

When is the best time to send your email? Great question. In fact the time you decide to launch your campaign can have an impact on the overall results of your email campaign. This detail may not be as important as the audience you select, the subject line, or the list you are using, but it is a factor. But if you are working to get the maximum results and put everything in your favor then these are commonly accepted as the BEST times to launch your campaign.

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Search Engine Inclusion - Proper Meta Tag Use
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Search Engine Inclusion - Proper Meta Tag Use

Being the bonafide Google Developers we are we are often asked about how we go about conducting our search engine optimization and marketing strategies. These questions usually revolve around the proper use of keywords, site maps and robot texts, so to help those of you whom have been tasked with your own search engine optimization and marketing for your own websites we thought we'd write a quick article to help you on your way.

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  • News & Events


Have you been waiting to pull the trigger on your Search Engine Strategy because of lack of knowledge and/or approach? Your long wait is now over! Now is the PERFECT time to take advantage of our CYBER Monday Special and save 50% off of all of our search and social marketing services.

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Facebook’s New Page Insights Release
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The Vast Universe

Facebook’s New Page Insights Release

Whether or not you're new to Facebook Pages or a seasoned vet like us you've probably noticed that your Page has received a little facelift this week. Facebook has yet again released a new version of Facebook Pages Insights. What's new you ask? We're glad you asked! Let's dive into this relam of black magic to better understand how to use it to benefit your business.

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How Google Panda Changed SEO Forever (Panda v2.2)
  • SEO and Search Marketing

How Google Panda Changed SEO Forever (Panda v2.2)

Just as expected and right on time Google has released Panda v2.2. This time around Google has improved their ability to detect those pesky scraper websites and remove and ban them from SERPs. Naturally Panda updates are changes made to Google's algorithm and are not manual reviews of websites within their index - so expect some error for those of you unlucky website owners. So what all has changed? A lot! So you better have a good strategy or you will be lost in translation or even worse off, removed from the index.

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Google Farmer/Panda Update Killed The Ranking Star
  • SEO and Search Marketing

Google Farmer/Panda Update Killed The Ranking Star

Welcome to the wonderful world of Google Search Engine Marketing. We are Monstrous Media Group "Monster Creative Management" and are your host for today's blog covering the Google Algorithm release known in our nerd world as "Farmer" or "Panda". By now you may have noticed that your search engine traffic has dropped significantly but may have no clue as to why. Or, you are a naughty marketing guru and have no idea or any clue that anything has changed. Shame on you!  If you're like a lot of our NEW* clients you maybe thinking, so wait a minute, what happened to all of my search engine traffic this month? You were most like struck by Google Farmer/Panda. On February 24th, the Google Farmer/Panda update was implemented and changed 12% of Google's search results. What?!?!*

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