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UPDATED: Why you shouldn’t design your own website
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

UPDATED: Why you shouldn’t design your own website

You spent hours working on this failed DIY cake only to throw it away. Now there are times that you will find yourself with one gem, but out of how many other thrown away cakes? Think of your DIY website as the cake that failed. These are the reasons why you shouldn’t DIY your website and call an expert instead!

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Website design trends 2021: What are the predictions
  • Website Design

Website design trends 2021: What are the predictions

Monstrous Media Group’s omg website design experts are always on the lookout for design and development updates that can be implemented for all new and updating existing client’s websites, and with this in mind, these are the most common website design trends for 2021 that our experts are noticing across the board.

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Three reasons why you need a custom website design for your company
  • Client Resources
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Three reasons why you need a custom website design for your company

Sure, a WordPress website is great for a company who will never need customized pages or outgrow their current template. As a leading Omaha design agency who designed and develops custom sites, here are three reasons why you should invest into a custom website for the future!

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