
Dive into our blog posts at Monstrous Media Group! Get the inside scoop on digital marketing, web design, development, SEO and more. Level up your online game and business know-how while having a good read!

OMG Top Secret 4th of July Project
  • The Vast Universe

OMG Top Secret 4th of July Project

Here at Monstrous Media Group, we take the 4th of July festivities to a whole new level. We like to joke with our clients that we can systematically program anything, short of a missile guidance system, but given enough time we could probably figure it out. Well.. at least we can't say we never tried.

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OMG Powerball Challenge
  • The Vast Universe

OMG Powerball Challenge

The current estimated Powerball jackpot is $222 Million, a $144.5 Million cash value! As most of you know anytime the Powerball Jackpot gets over $150 Million we like to have a little fun here at the Monstrous Media Group offices and go buy a few tickets. Here is your chance to get in on our ticket winnings, should we win!

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Digital Marketing 2.0 Seminar 2013 - January 10 & 16
  • E-Mail Marketing
  • Mobile Applications
  • News & Events
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The Vast Universe
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

Digital Marketing 2.0 Seminar 2013 - January 10 & 16

You Are Invited To Monstrous Media Group's Digital Marketing 2.0 Seminar! Topics will include Social Media, Facebook, Twitter, Google+, YouTube, Pinterest, & Instagram, Website Best Practices, Email Marketing, Blogging, Search Engines and SEM vs. SEO, Display/Banner Advertising Online, Online Directories, Inbound Links, Optimized Press Releases, Local Listings, QR Codes, Mobile Media, and more!!

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Monster Movie Night
  • The Vast Universe

Monster Movie Night

There are a whole slew of awesome blockbusters right around the corner- You know the ones. Up until you started reading this blog, though, you simply assumed you'd have to pay for it. So did your friends.

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Internet: The Great Invention
  • The Vast Universe

Internet: The Great Invention

In this blog I am going to make a statement which, to many, will be quite controversial and provocative. Ready? Here we go: The Internet is quite possibly the greatest invention by man. 


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  • The Vast Universe


We are finally jumping on the public SCREW SOPA bandwagon. Corporate supporters of HR3261 (SOPA) and S968 (PIPA) demand the ability to take down any web site that affects their profits -- without due process or judicial oversight -- in the name of combating "online piracy." Hoping you won't notice or care, quite a few of our Public Servants want to give them that right.

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Facebook’s New Page Insights Release
  • SEO and Search Marketing
  • Social Media and Digital Marketing
  • The Vast Universe

Facebook’s New Page Insights Release

Whether or not you're new to Facebook Pages or a seasoned vet like us you've probably noticed that your Page has received a little facelift this week. Facebook has yet again released a new version of Facebook Pages Insights. What's new you ask? We're glad you asked! Let's dive into this relam of black magic to better understand how to use it to benefit your business.

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OSx Lion App Store Downloads Problems
  • The Vast Universe

OSx Lion App Store Downloads Problems

Hey alright, OSx Lion is out, why not hop over to the Apple App Store and download yourself a copy? Wait, maybe not because it's not working is it? 'Akamai’s servers and Apple’s datacenters are being hammered for OS X Lion downloads. But going forward, is it the right content distribution network for Apple?'  As of this morning, the answer is a big NO!! If you're like the millions of other Apple fans you're probably already at your witt's end trying to get yourself updated to Lion.

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25 Things to Test Before Your Site Goes Live (UPDATED)
  • The Vast Universe
  • Website Design
  • Website Development

25 Things to Test Before Your Site Goes Live (UPDATED)

(UPDATED) Launching a website is a little like making homemade soup. You’ve got many ingredients coming together, and before you’re done adding them, you sample it to see that you got it just right. But this step – the testing – is often ignored before a site goes live. Testing a new website can seem overwhelming. Teams aren’t sure where to start. Here's how.

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