What businesses can learn from Taylor Swift’s marketing

What businesses can learn from Taylor Swift’s marketing

Unless you have been living under a rock, you may have heard the name Taylor Swift thrown around. Perhaps you have caught yourself humming along to a few of her hits, such as “Shake it off” or “Love Story.” Billboard has named her the eighth greatest artist of all time. Among those on the list are Michael Jackson, The Beatles and Elton John. 

She recently announced her 10th studio album, titled “Midnights,” and took the Internet by storm. Taylor has a major influence not just on the music industry, but also on pop culture as a whole. Taylor has become a household name and makes $150 million a year from her music and brand deals. 

If there is one thing that businesses can learn from Miss Taylor Swift, it is how to market their brand. Our marketing agency Omaha experts want to share some of the marketing you can learn from one of the most influential artists in the music industry.

Marketing lessons businesses can learn from Taylor Swift 

Storytelling, storytelling, STORYTELLING

If you only take one thing away from this article, remember that stories sell. Taylor Swift has made her name by telling stories through her songs. Her stories come from the experiences of herself, her friends, family and even fictional characters. These stories are what help her connect on an emotional level with her audience. Brands should do the same and learn how to tell their story effectively. You want to tell stories through your mission statement, social media posts, email campaigns and video content. 

Stay relevant 

A struggle that both brands and artists face is staying relevant. What is popular one year is no longer new the next. Taylor Swift has mastered staying relevant by reinventing her music. She has dabbled in different sounds, from country pop to indie. All the way, she gained new loyal fans. As a brand, you should do your best to follow the trends in your industry. Our marketing agency Omaha experts suggest you do research and development to see what latest trends work well for your brand. 

Reward your loyal customers

Everything you do is for your customers. They are the ones who buy your products and services while also recommending you to other people. A common mistake that businesses make is forgetting about their loyal customers. Follow in Taylor Swift’s footsteps and reward your most loyal customers. She has been connecting and rewarding her customers by surprising them with presents and even album listening parties. Brands can show appreciation to their loyal customers by creating a loyalty program or sending birthday discounts. 

Reuse old content 

Aside from the anticipation of a new album, many Taylor Swift fans are waiting for the re-release of her old studio albums. Taylor has already had success re-recording her old work. In fact, her new recordings have outperformed her previous albums. What brands can take from this is not to be afraid to reuse their work or reinvent their products. Take what you already have created and see how you can refresh them to appeal to a new audience. 

Hire a marketing agency Omaha team!

Whether you are a pop star or a business, a well thought out marketing strategy is a key to success. If you need help planning and executing a marketing strategy for your business, let our marketing experts lend you a hand. Contact us today to get started!

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

