What are SMART goals?

Trying to conduct digital marketing without a plan is like going on a road trip without a map. Without clear directions, you will end up getting lost, wasting time and losing money. That is why our digital marketing agency Omaha team suggests setting goals.
One kind of strategy that digital marketers use is setting SMART goals. Whether you are looking to establish new marketing goals or improve your existing ones, our digital marketing agency Omaha team created this helpful guide on how to set SMART goals.
What are SMART goals?
Setting SMART goals is one of the best practices for a successful digital marketing strategy. SMART stands for specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and time-bound. This kind of goal-setting strategy helps an individual make a roadmap to achieve specific goals.
The first step to creating a SMART goal is being specific. You should be specific when deciding which goals you want to achieve and determining what it takes to reach those goals. To set specific goals, you should ask yourself the five “W” questions.
Who is involved in this goal?
What do you want to accomplish?
Where is this goal to be achieved?
When do you want to achieve this goal?
Why do you want to achieve this goal?
The second step is creating measurable goals. Set goals that you can keep track of so that you can hold yourself accountable. In digital marketing, setting measurable goals is easy because there are tools that keep track of web traffic, engagement and other metrics. One example of a specific measurable goal is to gain a certain amount of followers on Instagram.
You want to set goals that are achievable. What this means is that you want to set goals that you can genuinely attain. Setting goals that are not realistic could cause you to waste time. An example of an unachievable goal would be gaining 10,000 followers without using any paid strategy.
Aside from making your goals achievable, you also want them to be relevant to your business. The purpose of your goals should be to develop marketing strategies to help grow your business. It is a good rule of thumb to start creating your business objectives first and then establish your digital marketing objectives. To set relevant goals, ask yourself:
Is the goal realistic and within reach?
Is the goal reachable, given the time and resources?
Once you have created clear objectives, you want to set clear deadlines. You want to have a start date and a finish date. If you do not set a deadline for your goals, then there is no motivation to achieve it. You should ask yourself these questions:
Does my goal have a deadline?
By when do you want to achieve your goal?
The importance of setting SMART goals
If you want to achieve your marketing and business goals, then you need to set SMART goals. These kinds of goals will help you make concrete and attainable goals. It helps you avoid vague goals that may lead you nowhere. SMART goals help you map out and keep track of your progress. So before you start the new year, sit down with your marketing team and create SMART goals.
Hire the best digital marketing agency Omaha team!
If your company needs assistance setting SMART goals, our digital marketing experts can assist. Our team of professionals can help you figure out how to achieve your goals and help you manage your digital marketing. Contact us today to get started!
Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.
We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!