UPDATED: Why curated content in social media marketing is important.

UPDATED: Why curated content in social media marketing is important.

When having a social media strategy developed with our social media marketing company Omaha, our Digital Marketing Strategists understand the importance of explaining the “whys” as to what the overall marketing strategy is going to entail. One of the most common and important questions that our team responds to is, “What is the 80/20 rule?” 

As a starting point for our clients’ social media strategy, we follow guidelines influenced by the 80/20 rule.

This rule of thumb is used in a multitude of ways for companies across the globe. However, MMG’s Digital Marketing Strategists use this method to help prevent the fatigue of overpromoting a product or service. 

80/20 rule in social media

When applied to social media marketing, this rule of thumb implies 20 percent of your posts should be promotional, while 80 percent should be interesting, non-promotional, curated content

“What is curated content?”

This is content that is gathered from a number of credible sources within your company’s industry. This is content that is shared on social media platforms that your company’s target audience enjoys and wants to consume. This is all in an effort to establish your company as being credible in the industry. If you are a jeweler or nonprofit, it is important to set yourself as the industry leader.

“Why on earth would I want to share another company’s content on MY social media platform?”

Why curated content?

It is a bit weird at first. We ask you to be okay to share another company’s content on your social media channels. But, there is proven science behind all of it from our social media marketing company Omaha! 

The entire purpose behind social media is to be social! A company can be social with their audience and other companies with curated content. 

Curated content is strategically shared to consumers because too much promotion can cause brand fatigue. What makes you unfollow a company’s social media? The most common notion is too much promotion. 

There is a rule of thumb in the marketing world regarding the Rule of Seven. It takes a minimum of seven times for a consumer to start to trust your company. This is seven different interactions between the website, social media marketing and other marketing strategies. However, too much promotion can cause the opposite effects on consumers. 

46 percent of consumers unfollow a company on social media due to too many promotions. 

Utilizing 80 percent of your social media strategy for curated content entices your audience to engage with your posts and build that trust. A consumer is searching for a company that breaks through the noise in the oversaturated social media marketing world. 

Moreover, curated content sparks conversation, encourages networking with other companies and helps your own company stay informed of industry evolution.

“80 percent seems like a lot though. Can that change?”

Yup, our social media marketing company Omaha can certainly change this ratio. Our Digital Marketing Strategists then lead the conversation with “but, for your specific needs, we will switch that to 70/30 or even 60/40!” The 80/20 rule is more of a guideline. A starting point, if you will.

Every company is different, as is every social media KPIs set in place. All the same, the ratio of curated content to promotional content always needs to be heavier on the curated content.

Sure, curated content is a bit perplexing at first for a company looking to promote itself through a social media strategy. However, the advantages of using such information is extremely beneficial to your online brand reputation.

If you have more questions regarding the 80/20 rule and social media marketing, let’s meet virtually! Contact us today! 

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We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

