Top Content Marketing Ideas You Could Try Out in 2017

Top Content Marketing Ideas You Could Try Out in 2017


Landing page

Is there enough content here that explains how the user will be benefited? 

Does it look good on a mobile device? This is how a third to half of those who click on the link in your content will get there.

If you trying to capture their email address, is there an image or video that explains what they will get? The ‘Sign up to get the exclusive 120-page e-book delivered straight to your inbox’ is passé.

Become a guest author on industry blogs

This is one way of establishing yourself as an expert. Those who have tried it report a lot of organic traffic coming from readers.

Email marketing

A lot of people are talking about social media, but a link contained in an email is six times more likely to be clicked on than one in a tweet. You might want to pay more attention to your email marketing campaign.

There are now tools that send out automated ‘Thank you’ messages to those who click on the links in emails. Make use of them. Of course, you need to be ready before you launch your campaign. Always see to it that your emails are error-free, both factually and typographically.

Email signatures

These are a great way of generating leads / attracting visitors. You might be able to do better than getting them to your website first, them then clicking on the ‘Contact us’ tab and getting in touch with you; if you include your contact information in the email signature. Some go further and have Facebook and Twitter icons that when clicked, take readers to your respective social media pages.

Another way is to include the text ‘Check out our industry report on The State of Digital Marketing in 2017’ in your email signature, which is hyperlinked to your landing page or the report itself.

Use social media correctly

Every social media platform caters to a different set of users. Instagram is for those who love visual content. They would rarely pay any attention to the accompanying text. So it makes sense to have an eye-catching picture (or an interesting collage) and just a link in the caption (no need of marketing copy). 

Twitter is for those who are pressed for time. Make sure your 140-characters-or-less tweet contains both the message and the link. Feel free to retweet the same thing multiple times, but using different images and/or hashtags every time. An @ mention of a person can increase the number of people who click on the link. Facebook is for those who like both images and long form content. An explanatory video on YouTube could also increase the number of visitors to your site. LinkedIn is a social media platform for professionals, but for those in the B2B segment, this is where 80% of their leads come from.

Promote your content

Content creation is only one side of content marketing. It also needs to be promoted, so that it gets the exposure it deserves. Some think content promotion is overly expensive, but it isn’t. Done right, the returns far outweigh the investment. 

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