The COVID effect- Why digital adoption continues to be the key moving forward

The COVID effect- Why digital adoption continues to be the key moving forward

The pandemic continues to overhaul the traditional ways of life to a virtual first world. From doctor appointments to workspace overhauls, many consumers have changed the traditional behaviors they held before this pandemic. The thing is, this is the new normal, which means C-Suites and managers need to continue to grow during these virtual times. 

The shift in buyer behavior

Not only did COVID-19 move companies and businesses online, but the psychological change in consumer spending behavior greatly affected the economy as much as it did the companies. 

Research from PWC is showing that consumers are going to continue to put an emphasis on online shopping and keep up their new online shopping behaviors. 

Over 50 percent of consumers are going to start trying new brands and products which has shifted from pre-pandemic shopping behaviors where companies found that loyal customers were less likely to try new brands or products. 

As the shift to digital continues to catapult into the new year, it is important to understand consumers' why behind each purchase and the psychology. 

Digital adoption during COVID - How to continue to adapt

1. Virtual

When the pandemic first hit, buyers were unable to meet with many companies in person when it came to sales. What was once the normal shifted, again. While there is still some degree of face-to-face selling and sales, digital will be here to stay. 

It is important to invest in the future of your company. Is this a new website? Finally, launching that ecommerce portion of your site? 

2. Website design and development

It is no secret that consumers have a plethora of options at their fingertips. Buyers are more informed, technologically savvy, empowered to shop around, and as the research shows, more willing to switch their loyalty to different brands. 

This means that companies should invest in their website design and development strategies to ensure that their marketing investments are showing their value. This is because a website is the main touchpoint for a company’s digital presence. All marketing campaigns go back to the website, and an old website is showing negative results these days. 

Research shows that 94 percent of negative feedback from consumers is in regards to website design alone. The power of a new website or a redesign of the current website can bring in the best digital experience which helps to maintain loyalty and positive first impressions with consumers researching new brands. 

3. Customer touchpoints

It is likely that two customers will not share the same customer experience or journey. This is due to the vast opportunities of touchpoints from social media marketing to email marketing strategies and everything in-between. 

Social media marketing is one of the most common areas to bring in and track customer touchpoints with new apps continuing to hit the market and current apps making constant updates, this is also where a majority of consumers are starting their customer journey. 

The Pew Research Center started their study of social media usage in 2005 with only five percent of American adults using social media on a regular basis.  In 2011, it had jumped to 72 percent of American adults, but in 2022 this now includes all Americans, not just adults. 

Now is the time to continue to invest in digital strategies such as social media marketing and a new website design and development project. 

4. Customer service and experience

Throughout this entire journey, customer service and engagement are just as important as the other three points. When customers find themselves purchasing products and services it is important that sales and marketing are aligned with one another from FAQs on Facebook messages to what sales team members are going to say. 

Overall, the pandemic has affected the digital realm, but for companies and CSuites who are searching to continue to grow in the future, it is important to start to invest in digital marketing and digital strategies. 

The future is digital, so don’t get left behind. To start the process of digital adoption during COVID digital marketing and other strategies, contact us today. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

