Reasons why printing marketing materials still matter

Reasons why printing marketing materials still matter

We live in an era where everything is digital from online shopping and advertising. However, print marketing continues to hold a significant place in the marketing landscape. 88% of consumers trust print ads the most when making a purchase decision. 

Printing marketing materials offers a unique set of advantages and a tangible connection that digital media simply cannot replicate. Our custom design printing services team wants you to explore why print marketing materials still matter and why they should be an essential component of your marketing strategy.

Reasons why print marketing materials still matter

Enhances brand recognition

As a company, one of your overall goals is brand recognition. You want people to be able to recognize your branding with a product or service. On average, it takes five to seven impressions for consumers to recognize your company's logo. Print materials serve as brand ambassadors, ensuring that your company's visual identity is firmly etched into the minds of your audience. You can add your brand materials like direct mail, tote bags and stickers that help raise awareness of your brand and serve a purpose for consumers.

Targeted marketing

Digital advertising, such as pay-per-click advertising, is not the only kind of advertising that can provide targeted marketing. Print marketing can also allow for precise targeting. Companies can tailor their print campaigns to reach specific demographics, geographic regions or customer segments. By customizing the content and design to suit the preferences of the target audience, print materials can effectively capture the attention of those most likely to convert.

Builds credibility and trust

Companies should aim to build trust with consumers. Print materials, such as brochures and catalogs, are often perceived as more credible and trustworthy than online ads. When a customer sees a printed advertisement, they are more likely to associate it with trusted material. Print materials showcase a level of commitment and investment in your brand that can boost your reputation.

Less competition

In today's digital age, consumers are constantly being bombarded with ads on all their digital devices. They can become desensitized to advertisements and just scroll past them. Print advertising, on the other hand, can increase your chances of standing out and grabbing your customer's attention. There is less competition around print marketing, especially if it's getting mailed, which translates into a higher likelihood of being noticed.

Measurable ROI

Print marketing ROI can be measured through various means, such as tracking coupon redemptions, monitoring response rates from printed QR codes or using unique phone numbers. This data helps businesses refine their print strategies for better results, making print marketing a measurable and effective investment.

Get custom design printing services right now!

In conclusion, print marketing materials remain a vital and effective component of marketing strategies. If you’re looking to add printed materials to your marketing strategy, consider hiring Monstrous Media Group. We have a group of designers who assist with print design for timely delivery. Contact us to get started!


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