Master Facebook Marketing With These Tips

Master Facebook Marketing With These Tips


Entrepreneurs already know the power and reach of social media marketing. With over 1.79 billion active users, Facebook is one of the social media platforms that most entrepreneurs use. It’s safe to say that you would have tried marketing on this platform, but you wouldn’t have gotten the results that you hoped you would get. As Facebook is too powerful to hang up your boots, here are five tips that you can use to get better Return On Investment (ROI) and increase conversions.

1. Use advanced options to its maximum potential

If you have a fair knowledge of how to create Facebook ads, try using advanced options. You can make your ads run during particular days and times. Suppose you are running a restaurant, you can run an ad about ‘Buy one get one free’ for items on your menu to people in a 3-mile radius during lunch and dinner hours. You can also target your ads to people who are on Wi-Fi. Suppose you want to show a long video or there is a large file you want them to download, you can make their life easier while improving your chances of conversion.

2. Track everything with Facebook Pixel

Install a small code called Facebook Pixel on your site so that you can deliver cookies to the visitors in order to target them again and find a comparable audience. Your Facebook marketing will be much more efficient and effective as you will be able to track conversions on your website. For instance, you can see how many people bought your products because of an ad, how many people abandoned their shopping carts before making a purchase, or how many leads you obtained from a Google form.

3. Split test your advertisements and posts

Split testing or A/B testing is a simple yet powerful tool that can be used on Facebook. You can test anything you want, allowing you to experiment with placements, audiences, images, bidding strategies, budgets, and even copy on the advertisements. You will gain deeper insight into how your strategy is working and you will be able to design the ultimate ad that will increase conversions. Test everything before you post on Facebook to maximize effectiveness.

4. Utilize Audience Network and Instant Articles

Audience Network is a network of partners as in different applications that will display your Facebook advertisements. You have complete control over where your ads will be displayed. This is important because different placements will be effective for different activities and context. A desktop user may be interested in longer content, making it a sensible move to push 20-minute videos on them. Mobile readers will mostly read articles that don’t take much time to go through. Instant articles are for people who like in-depth reading. Take time to think about the content in your ad and in what context you want to target them.

5. Get even more specific when targeting audience

The targeting capability of Facebook has become more accurate than ever. You have the usual basics such as age, location, gender and advanced options such as people’s life stages and interests. To put things into perspective, you can target people who just bought a new phone, parents at a certain income level, interests, and lifestyles. You can hone in on your target audience at a microscopic level.

Facebook is a simple tool that is rich with features. You can experiment as much as you want till you are satisfied by the output. There are thousands of ways that you can mix and match your ideas to come up with the ideal marketing combination for your business.

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