Maintenance Window

Maintenance Window

Our goal is to provide you with the most dependable and flexible hosting infrastructure in the industry. To ensure the most reliable service, we are planning a maintenance window which may temporarily affect your website's email hosting services. Improvements made in a controllable and pro-active fashion will significantly reduce the risk of unplanned incidents. We appreciate your patience as we make these pro-active changes.

Change Details: 
Change ID: 234908324
Window Start Date & Time (24h CST/CDT): March 4, 2012 11:01 
Window End Date & Time (24h CST/CDT): March 5, 2012 05:01 
Department: DC Operations 

Change Activity Details: EXIM "Mail Server" Upgrades. Note: If we host a dedicated server for you and your business please note to ensure services are restored automatically, it is recommended to perform a reboot before the moves to identify any potential issues. If you have any other servers that are located in this server room, you will receive notices on those as well and all servers will be moved at the same time. 

Impact Statement: Email Services will be gracefully powered down during upgrade and powered up after successful upgrade. Note: Please this will effect all mail services including webmail. 

Please let us know if there is any questions you have regarding this maintenance window.

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