Instagram story ideas for businesses

Instagram story ideas for businesses

The latest Instagram update will allow users to schedule their Instagram Stories using a third-party app. That means that you can schedule stories using your preferred scheduling platform like HootSuite, Sprout Social or Monstrous.Digital

Meta stated that this new update would allow Instagram Business accounts to schedule up to 25 single images, videos, reels or posts per day using third-party apps. This gives companies the opportunity to make sharing Instagram stories easier. Our Omaha social media management team is here to share some story ideas that business owners can try in their strategies. 

Why should businesses use Instagram Stories?

Instagram Stories are checked almost daily by Instagram users. A report found that 70% of Instagram users watch stories every day, and 25% of Gen Z and millennials use these stories to find products and services. 

Companies should use this knowledge to their advantage and start using Instagram stories in their current social media marketing strategies. Some of the top reasons to start using stories, if you are not doing so already, are:

Increase brand awareness

Real-time marketing 

Build and strengthen relationships 

Increase followers 

Instagram story ideas for businesses

Spotlight products and services

Instagram Stories give you the opportunity to showcase your products and services in a more direct way. You can share a photo or video of your product or service. You can add link stickers to these stories to direct people to shop on them. 

Showcase testimonials

If your customers have given great reviews about your products or services, share them. Word-of-mouth is powerful because people trust other people. Create stories sharing the reviews or testimonials you have received on your Instagram stories. Then you can create Instagram Story highlights to pin them on your profile. 

Share discounts

Who does not enjoy a discount? When you have sales going on in your store or online, share the discount on your Instagram story. You can create a graphic or video with the discount or code they can use at checkout. You can add a sticker with a link to direct people to your website. Or they can easily screenshot or share the discount with their friends. 

Reshare content

If users tag you in their stories or posts, reshare those posts. It will build credibility and trust with your current followers. Plus, it can strengthen the relationship between you and those customers who are tagging you in those posts. You can turn those customers into brand ambassadors.

Show behind-the-scenes

Customers want to see authenticity from businesses. You can showcase authenticity by sharing behind-the-scenes videos and photos. Showcase your employees, your company culture and how the products are made. 

Do quizzes

Be the story that stands out by asking your customers to do a quiz. You can quiz your followers about your products, service or industry. It is a fun way to get feedback without sending a survey. You can collect this data and then use it for future posts. 

Get an Omaha social media management company to handle all your social media accounts!

Whether you need help creating or scheduling your Instagram posts, hire us! Our social media experts can assist by creating unique content tailored to your company’s brand voice and tone. Do not hesitate to reach out to learn more about our social media management services. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

