How to partner with an Omaha web design team to rebrand.

How to partner with an Omaha web design team to rebrand.

Word on the street is 2019 is the ”Year of the Rebrand” and as an Omaha web design company, we can certainly agree.

Why? Companies across the world are recognizing the importance of brand identity. Being “on brand” shows a consistent, loyal business that consumers can put trust in.

What is branding?

Branding is the overall identity of your business; the glue that holds the representation of your business together. Sure, branding includes logos, slogans, website designs, and style sheets. However, branding is the overall idea consumers have about your business. Branding is how consumers recognize and view your business not only in the physical sense, but also in a way of reputation.

Branding is important because it places value in your company. By keeping your business “on brand” you’re giving consumers a consistent view of what you stand for, sell, and what they can expect from your company. Most importantly, branding sets your business apart from the competition.

When should you rebrand?

Oftentimes, many businesses don’t know when they should rebrand. A rebrand can be time consuming, stressful and mentally nerve wracking.

Signs you should rebrand?

1- When your business is beginning to meld with your competition. Any time your businesses brand is too similar to your competition (regardless of who was there first), it’s time for a change of pace. Being too similar leaves your business far from memorable.

2- When it’s looking like 1995. If you’re a legacy brand, we understand the difficulty of mixing things up a bit! However, finding the balance of your long standing brand with modern success is something we, as an Omaha web design company love to work with!

3- When you’re seeking a new demographic. An excellent example of rebranding for a new demographic is Pabst Blue Ribbon. Pabst has gone through a handful of owners over the course of the years, yet through struggles and successes, Pabst has found new innovative ways to rebrand their business into a complete success story. By paying attention to competition and consumers, the current owner recognized the importance of a rebrand to keep the business alive.

What happens in a rebrand?

There are many steps when it comes to rebranding and it’s important to be aware that it doesn’t happen overnight. Rebranding takes strategy, research and lots of time!

Here are the top four points of a rebrand.

1- Identify your “why”. Does the vision you have for your business stand true or has it evolved with time? Has your business been successful or has it struggled? When rebranding, your business will need to answer tough questions.

2- Research. Who are your customers and who do you want your customers to be? Who is your competition and who are their customers? Identifying the blind spots your business has helps you tackle them head-on in your rebrand.

3- Brand identity. Building a new branding image that compliments your current one so not to confuse your consumers. Successful rebrands are large enough to make a statement, but subtle enough to keep your business recognizable. Our Omaha web design team can modernize any outdated materials your business might have!

4- Brand strategy. A rebrand is only as successful as the energy you put behind it. A rebrand must include a strategy to communicate the expertise and position of your business in the industry it serves. Fortunately, for you, our web design team buddies up with our digital marketing team.

At Monstrous Media Group we take your brand seriously. By collaborating together to configure a modern rebrand that stays true to your roots, we will create a successful launch for your business.

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

