How to create an end of the year analytics report

How to create an end of the year analytics report

An end of the year (EOY) marketing report is beneficial to every company. It includes all the data, performance metrics and insights from every channel you use to promote your business. It will help you know if you’re headed in the right direction or if there are things you need to improve. To set good goals for the upcoming year and determine where to allocate your budget, you need to look back at what worked and what didn’t. 

Did your email subscription rate increase or decrease?

Which social media platform is performing best?

Why is this blog on page one and the other on page four?

Are customers visiting your website and actually converting?

It’s all about learning what is and is not working so you can better improve optimization and outreach for your company. Your digital marketing Omaha experts wanted to give you the ins and outs of EOY marketing reports, why you need them and what analytics to include!

Why you need an EOY marketing report

EOY marketing reports will prove whether or not you’re meeting your marketing goals. Pulling reports from your social media platforms, website traffic and search engine optimization (SEO) efforts allow you to make adjustments according to what’s performing well. You can then develop a plan for the areas that need to be better. If you fail to measure results, you will end up wasting time and money on marketing efforts and never improving.

You want to showcase your marketing wins, provide statistics to compare and contrast, identify which channels are working the best, update your key performance indicators (KPIs), justify your marketing spending, provide insights on strategy for the upcoming year and discover what’s missing and how the gaps can be filled in. With an EOY report, you’ll be able to tell if you’re cruising your goals or if there is an issue that needs more attention. Think of it as wrapping up the year with numbers.

What analytics to include in your EOY report

These key elements should be included in your report. The bounce rate, number of mentions and engagement are low-end metrics but they contribute to the bigger picture: the results. Is the engagement on social media leading customers to the website, and once they get to the website are they buying the products or services, thus increasing the conversion rate? You will want to showcase that there is a return on investment (ROI) coming from these efforts.

Marketing channels

Digital marketing channels include email, SEO and social media marketing. Look into which social media platforms have the best results and what types of posts helped grow your business the best. Include an overview of each platform with numbers on your audience, post engagements, posts sent, mentions, daily exposure, reach, impressions, clicks, followers and following.

Website performance

Google Analytics and SEMRush are great platforms to use which provide statistics based on SEO. Be sure to include results on traffic sources and website visits. Traffic sources will tell you where your website traffic is coming from, whether it be social media, other websites or a search engine. You can also include reports on sessions, conversions, bounce rate, time spent on the website and the customer’s journey.

You will also want to pay attention to your keywords. Keywords are the words or phrases that people enter into a search engine when looking for your company’s products or services, and they are a crucial element of successful SEO.

Paid advertising

To learn if your paid advertising strategy is working, you’ll want to look into lead generation, how much you’re spending and the ROI. Each platform (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Google Ads) has its own unique analytics. Depending on the goal of the campaign, you can measure the results.

For example, if the objective of your LinkedIn Ad Campaign was website conversions and you wanted sign-ups for an upcoming conference, you can use conversion tracking to understand how your ads are driving results.

Takeaways from your digital marketing Omaha experts

Once you’ve pulled all of your results, statistics and numbers, you can finally take everything you’ve learned from each section of the report and sum it all up. With what worked great, explain why you should continue those efforts. In areas where improvement is needed, discuss what you want to do differently next year. If you need help with your EOY digital marketing analytics reports, reach out to your digital marketing Omaha experts!

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