How to create a PPC landing page

How to create a PPC landing page

Did you know that 82% of searchers actively use their smartphones to research and purchase products and services? For local companies, this could be an opportunity to reach those customers through PPC ads.

With the help of an Omaha PPC agency, you can direct them to a landing page where they can take the next action, like registering for your service or buying a product. 

For a company, you must create a successful landing page. Our Omaha PPC agency wants to share the must-haves your PPC landing page needs to be successful.

The PPC basics 

PPC is short for pay-per-click and is a form of digital advertising where the advertiser pays a fee each time someone takes action on their ads. At the end of the day, if your PPC strategy is done correctly, then the click is worth more than what you pay for it. 

Some of the common places you see PPC ads are on search engine results pages and social media platforms. These kinds of ads come in different shapes and sizes. Advertisers can use text, banners, photos and even shopping channels. 

One thing that all these PPC ads have in common is that they lead customers onto a landing page to take the next action. The landing page is an important part of any PPC campaign. Here is how to create a successful landing page for your next campaign. 

How to create a PPC landing page

Create a landing page for each campaign

One thing that every advertiser should do is create a separate landing page for each campaign. You want to ensure the page directs users to take the next action. For example, ensure the landing page has a form if you want people to share their information with you. It is wise to avoid using your homepage as a landing page.

Have a clear call-to-action

The next step is creating a clear call-to-action. A call-to-action is simply text that tells an audience what action to take next. You should include a clear call-to-action on the headline and landing page. Call-to-actions examples include “shop now” or “register here.”

Add images or videos

There is a reason why people say a picture is worth a thousand words. Visuals can tell a story just as strongly as words can. Try to include an image of your product or service on the landing page. It can help your audience picture themselves using it. Or, if you have videos on hand, embed those videos into your landing page. 

Keep your copy brief

The next step is to include copy, or text that provides useful information. You want to describe what you are trying to sell and what action your audience should take next. You should not write a whole blog post. Keep the copy on your landing page short and scannable

Use assurances

You want to build trust with your audience. Build that trust by displaying customer reviews, testimonials or user-generated content on the page. Display your certificates, awards or security assurances to show customers that your company is reliable. 

Stay relevant to the keywords

Just like you do when writing blogs, you want to include keywords in your PPC landing pages to ensure your content shows up in search results. Make sure the content is relevant to the keywords you bid on. That way, you get the results you are looking for and people do not just click off your page. 

Start generating qualified leads with the best Omaha PPC agency!

At Monstrous Media Group, we offer PPC management services. Our team designs the best ads while also implementing other marketing strategies to bring the most customers to your website. Contact us to get started. 

Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.

We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!

