How can Permission Marketing Help You Expand Your Digital Footprint?

How can Permission Marketing Help You Expand Your Digital Footprint?


Permission marketing is mainly used in the context of Internet marketing. When you embed a script on your website that supports an opt-in form that your site visitors can fill up to give you permission to send them your digital catalogs or e-zines or when your searchers enter a query on a search engine and your ads get displayed either as sponsored content or as display ads on the ranking page (of course, you spend money to buy the space or the slot through an online auction for relevant keywords), your targets are essentially giving you the permission to inundate them with relevant ads and content. 

On-page and off-page optimization, native advertisements, sponsored content and search engine marketing are extremely important as they help you to expand your digital footprint by increasing reach among audiences that are relevant to your business. Rather than trying to hit everyone and converting no one, it makes more sense to reach those who are willingly giving you permission to hit them with your personalized content. It’s a more successful strategy since the audience is pulling your content and interacting with it at a time and place of their choice.   

According to Seth Godin, the person credited with the coinage of the term, “permission marketing is the privilege (not a right, as claimed by interruptive marketing) of delivering anticipated, personal and relevant messages to people who actually want them.”  

Personalizing the content based on understanding the intent and the purpose of a search along with the analysis of behavioral and psychographic traits, recent activities and geographic relevance allows the content to be highly relevant and useful. This is the greatest benefit of permission marketing. You can also increase your footprint with the support and willing involvement of your target market. This will increase interactions giving you more information throughout the customer lifecycle that will allow you to increase the CLV (customer lifetime value).

With great power comes great responsibility!

The power of permission marketing has been acknowledged by one and all. However, since the audience is willingly giving you consent, you will have to treat their choice and decision with a lot of respect. Show them only relevant messages. There are different levels of permission starting from ‘situation permission’ where you can only offer to assist a prospective customer to ‘intravenous permission’ where you even offer to make buying choices on behalf of the customer. 

With each increasing level of permission, the level of trust and responsibility will also commensurately increase. Violating trust at each level would have associated damages or consequences. Hence, it is extremely important for a content marketer or advertiser to understand the responsibility and act with caution because although permission marketing allows better targeting, failing to live up to the promise can also mean losing a prospect forever. 

Permission marketing helps in building your brand

Permission marketing is extremely important from the perspective of a business because it helps the company to create a positive reputation and a strong brand connection. Consumers don’t like to be duped and don’t want companies to access or share their personal information without their permission. A brand that uses it gains instant trust and is more likely to create a strong, long-lasting bond with their customers.

Customers enjoy personalized, non-obtrusive form of web browsing. Permission marketing gives them access to loads of quality content which they enjoy without the customers feeling annoyed. They also have a peace of mind since they have themselves given permission and know that their trust won’t be breached. If you are still not using permission marketing as a part of your digital marketing campaign, you are missing out on the best opportunities for conversion! Get started today!  {contact-form}

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