How are you qualifying your leads?

Lead qualification is the process of assessing a lead’s purchasing potential. The evaluation is an internal company based assessment that will either qualify the lead or disqualify the lead. This is all in an effort to separate the leads coming in from the marketing strategies in place based on the ones who are qualified and others who are not exactly the qualified leads that the company is searching for.
Once qualified leads and website traffic continue to come in from social media, referral traffic, PPC ads or any other marketing strategies set in place by the leading marketing agency Omaha, it is imperative that your company’s lead qualification checklist is in order.
The fact of the matter is that there are plenty of ways a company can qualify their leads and turn them into their return on investment (ROI) for their marketing budget, but it has to be clear, defined and measurable lead qualifications.
This can be done by initially setting goals and brainstorming the main points of interest that your company is seeking out a marketing agency Omaha.
No matter the reason, whether it be a 10 percent increase in website traffic each quarter or to increase brand awareness, make sure to have those Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in place to ensure that everyone can measure, analyze and brainstorm a marketing strategy that shows your company’s overall ROI.
Now, let’s chat about this “CSG” thing.
CSG meetings
CSG stands for “Content Strategy Guide”. At Monstrous Media Group we have been in hundreds of marketing meetings regarding new client onboarding, SEO strategies and social media marketing strategies!
A CSG meeting is designed to review the last quarter of growth in social media marketing and SEO strategies, at the same time, review any new content that the client would like to see or any new changes that should be implemented.
At these meetings, we often hear, “how are we doing?” Well, from our end, everything is going great! SEO continues to grow, social media marketing is awesome and overall numbers are great.
Then we hear, “Yeah, but is this even worth it?” Yes! Digital marketing strategies are always worth it.
What were you seeing you before a leading marketing agency Omaha took over? Where are you now? On the backend of your website, how many forms are filled out based on the goals that were provided to our experts.
How are you qualifying leads?
Lead qualification checklist
“We are discontinuing our plan because we are not seeing the lead generation.” To be transparent, we are able to see that there were 15 pages of lead generation forms that were never responded to.
If you pay $1,000 a month for marketing, and each lead is equal or over that, and with 15 pages of leads, you pay for your marketing each month and make a considerable amount of money at the same time.
We cannot qualify leads for a company without direct access to a CRM system that provides a qualified dollar amount tied to each possible lead generation. If the lead is higher or lower than the dollar amount, that is up to the company to make the decision if it is worth it or not.
With this in mind, how are you qualifying leads with your marketing strategies? Once this question has been asked, the answer is pretty common, “we aren’t.”
Do you need a CRM? We can help you out. We work with many of the world’s biggest and best CRM solutions including SalesForce, Active Campaign, Insightly, and our favorite HubSpot, among others. Did you know we’re HubSpot’s Regional Partner?
This is a start to a lead qualification checklist:
What are you asking when answering your phone?
When someone calls your company, are you asking, “how did you find our company?” This is an easy question to ask to get a general idea of where customers are coming from.
A spreadsheet can be made with the following options of social media, google, word-of-mouth, referral and any other common ways that a consumer could find you!
As you continue to get more and more calls, where are the most coming from? If you are noticing a steady stream from Google, and you pay for SEO strategies, keep a tally or overall number on a spreadsheet.
Our experts can pretty much track and measure anything on the website, social media and more, but we sadly cannot track the phone calls or emails that happen outside of the website!
If you get 150 calls next month, and 25 were direct, 15 were social media, 50 were referral or friends and 60 were from the website/ google or another search engine, this can be an easy indication of the processes that are in place and show their overall worth!
Who is going to keep track?
When a website is set up, there is always an email address or two tied to the account. Our experts always recommend that one person continuously keeps track of the accounts and logins, and at the same time, makes sure they are getting the emails.
With different servers and firewalls and security at companies, it is important to double-check that everything is working properly. The forms could be set up, but because of security issues, they could be being blocked on your end!
On the other hand, who is going to follow up with each lead that is in place? Is there a single email that everyone can access or is there one person who should be in charge?
No matter who is responsible for checking and distributing as needed, there needs to be someone on this task! If this is where every single lead is coming from on the website, then it has to be monitored!
How ExpressionEngine integration works!
If you have a CRM system, thank you! Even if it is “old” and “not that great” it is a wonderful starting point. While our experts have Google Analytics set up on each and every website, which can track said leads, our preferred CMS, ExpressionEngine (EE) has the ability to pull leads from your CRM directly to the backend of your website.
In return, this provides a simple one-step login to the backend of your website! Talk about easy integrations. There will be little to no need to log in anywhere else!
This is where CRM integration can be added, and based on the goals, such as this website’s goal is for customers to contact their business, it will put them in a form space.
Now, we are in administration mode, so it might appear a bit different, but this is the basics. Once you open this up, it provides you with a spreadsheet that you can download and modify within your own company.
Have someone who is awesome with Excel? You can keep them updated on qualified leads and who needs to still be followed up with.
On the other hand, this person can keep track of the leads within that spreadsheet. The thing with qualifying leads is that it doesn’t need a grandmaster, expensive, out of reach plan, do what you are good at. Do what is in your budget and always ask for help!
The process of lead qualification is no easy task, and with that in mind, it is important to have goals set in place for any meeting. This way new goals can be implemented properly and existing goals can be followed up on and tracked each quarter.
Hire the team to help you with your website, app, or other marketing needs.
We have a team of digital marketers who can help plan and bring to life all your digital marketing strategies. They can help with social media marketing, email marketing, and digital advertising!