Great Tips To Enhance Your Website’s UI/UX Design

Great Tips To Enhance Your Website’s UI/UX Design


Let’s face it. Your business will not get anywhere without a website in today’s world. Websites help you get your business out there and it is extremely important that they are pleasant to look at and easy to use. A website with a good user interface and user experience design can take you places, and help you stand out among the pool of competitors. 

Below are some great tips to enhance your website’s UI/UX design.

Make navigating easy

This is the first rule of a good UI/UX design. Too many features only leave users more confused and annoyed. Don’t stuff all the ideas you have into your website. It is recommended that you do not exceed your menu choices above 7 or 8. Any more than that, and customers will not be able to navigate with ease through your website. Also, remember to include trail markers (breadcrumbs) to your site so that users can always keep a track of where they are while browsing your site. 

Don’t talk too much

No. People do not like to read when they visit your website. They do not come there to listen to your endless ramblings about detailed and lengthy descriptions of how your company started or what values you stand for. Never ever have large blocks of texts dominating your website. It just makes things seem more complicated than they actually are, and will only bore visitors. Your website would do well to keep its home page word count below 75.  However, when creating blog posts for your website, you'll want a word count of 400-500.

Use strong pictures that resonate with your brand

Now that you know people do not come to read on your website, guess what works really well instead? That’s right- pictures! And not just any random image from Shutterstock. You have to choose relevant pictures that resonate with your brand and the message you are trying to send across to customers. Clean and string visuals with just the right amount of text can work wonders in simplifying your website’s UI/UX design. 

Ask for feedback

There is no shame in asking customers what they expect or what they look for in a website. Ask them what they feel is most important, which features they would like to see and which they would like gone. This will help greatly not just in enhancing user interface but will also encourage your customers to purchase your products or services. 

Give it time and be patient

Remember that success does not happen overnight. Give yourself time and be patient. Bringing quality and engaging website to life is not so easy. Attracting traffic to your site is far more difficult and time-consuming than creating content. 

We want to help you have a user-friendly website design!  Contact us!  {contact-form}

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